Perfume On My Plants

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by GBEKush, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. #1 GBEKush, Aug 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2014
    Hey Everyone,
    I have my grow space next to my bed in a GrowLab 40. Every morning, my girlfriend douses herself in perfume. I means she nearly drowns herself in it. It's not like she stands right next to the grow space, but it's some strong perfume. She leaves for work a couple hours before the fan and light turn on for the day. The tent is closed up except for the intake where my fan is. I was wondering if the lingering perfume particles in the air could negatively affect my ladies. Any insight would be helpful. I don't want my harvest to taste like Victoria's Secret.

  2. Not directly, but if you could vent her perfume to another area, like leave a vent even a window open to blow in smell/particulates to another location would be best IMHO
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