So lately I have taken it upon myself to write stories when I'm high, I've just finished the first chapter of the story, which I hope will soon to be many more chapters and I'd like to get it self publish along with much of my poetry. UPDATE As of sunday, june 18, 2005 1:06am
i read it ima comment, ok? you used bunches and bunches of adjectives =/ you had some really nice sentences kind of felt like it skipped around. iunno, didn't flow right =/ but what do i know? it added to the headtrip at times, tho. cool story. crazy headtrip, it would be neat if you wrote more stuff like that.
it seems to be confusing just for the sake of being confusing..../time elapse/... But I reread it after several bong tokes It always helps me gather a visual landscape from the words and I do like your writing. It made me think it was depicting a nuclear blast or a more literal nearby supernova and the death of the narrator and his journey on another plane. Or the transitioning through the bardos but from a more common death. Then again it could be the start of an extremely profound trip. i guess just make sure all your descriptions and metaphors are relavent and used just when needed as the subject matter itself is going to be abstract. keep it coming.
Well, it's all intricately designed in this plan I have in my head for the entire concept of the story. Although, I shall expand on Ch.1 a bit more as to not discourage the sober reader.
Just read the whole thing. I personally love the whole surreal, mad-rant style that was formulated during this story's conception. So far, the words and phrases remind me of the Mars Volta, and thats a bonus because their lyrics are insanely good. I going to try to read this stoned tomorow! Keep up the awsome work!