perfect stick roll lol Rate my Jay!

Discussion in 'General' started by chronicman00, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. #1 chronicman00, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    i havent rolled a J in a while so here you go.


    rate it if you'd like.
  2. Nice, lots longer than the ones i roll.
  3. pffft...thats a cigarette dude dont lie.

  4. haha looks like one doesnt it

    I GOT BARSSSS! hahah

  5. [​IMG]

    bars...chronicman00 has them.
  6. hahaha that post is jokes LK

  7. that case...

  8. not as straight as mine suckaaa

    edit: i'd still hit it
  9. haha roll one up then cutthroat
  10. not bad, can tell its not a smoke, but a great rolling job non the less
  11. LK Made me laugh twice.

    I think I'm gonna roll a spliff, with all this joint talk.
  12. good job. makes me want to roll one aswell.
  13. not bad man but sit there and roll 40+ a week like i usually do, damn sore thumbs after that

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