Perfect Last Day of Life..?

Discussion in 'General' started by Tomato Dog, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Your perfect last day of life? What would it consist of?

    .Last Supper?
    .Last Session Strain/Smoking Method?
    .What would you do activity wise?
    .Would you accept the inevitable or dismay it?
    .What would be your last words if you could choose to say them to anybody?
    .What would be your ideal method of dieing?


    1. kobe beef/rock lobster/black truffle pizza with
    2. Alaskan Thunderfuck/ Huge Blunt
    3. I would spend the whole day with my family preferably in Italy or Spain
    4. I would accept it
    5. Thanking my mom for everything
    6. I would like to go in my sleep 2nd choice would be to die from instant obliteration from paranormal activity.
  2. burrito/stuffed peppers/enchillada/homemade chilli/homemade potato soup (im a fat ass)
    White Widow/Edibles (for dessert mudahfukahs!)
    perform a live concert and chill with family and friends get one last good fuck in
    i would accept it and fear it at the same time
    I dig music. I'm on drugs!
    i would like to out of no where intantly die in some kind of explosion when im least excpecting it
  3. #3 Stoogemeister, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    I saw the Hurt Locker today.

    At the end, the main character is back home and cannot adjust to modern, everyday life.

    He tells a story to his wife...

    "A man stands in a busy district, starts giving out free candy. Kids and their families start coming up to him. 10 minutes later he detonates. 315 dead."

    and i thought about it. might sound fucked up, but not a bad way to die. Completely oblivious to the impending doom, and right before it happens, you are happy and content.
  4. as I read this it put a smile on my face. haha sounds like heaven to me too.
  5. 1.chicken cresent rollups with chicken gravy and mashed patatoes/ a Pastie/ pumkin pie
    2.Florda Krip/ Blunts all day long
    3. Id have a steady Flow of LSD 25 and be longboarding threw the highways and roads around Copper Harbor in Mighigan and wait on top of on of the mountains with my friends and family for the end after dark.
    4.I would except it
    5. Id tell everyone with me to never treat anyone like there better then yourself and to never quit anything they care about.
    6. Id die falling asleep on that mountain with all my friend and family
  6. I'm walking along, debating do I want Taco Bell, or White Castle.....then a bullet zings out of no where, and takes my life before I even knew it happened.

    I'd call that ideal :)
  7. Snowboarding somewhere out in BC. I would want to go skydiving since I have not yet. I would want to also chill with my family and friends and play with my dogs. Swimming in a sweet lake or something would be awesome too. I would not even consider getting high my last day of life.

    I would want to tell my family and close friends that I accept my fate and that I enjoyed life so they should not be sad that I am gone. Just remember the good times. Also if there is an afterlife, I look forward to checking it out.
  8. Last Supper?
    .Last Session Strain/Smoking Method?
    .What would you do activity wise?
    .Would you accept the inevitable or dismay it?
    .What would be your last words if you could choose to say them to anybody?
    .What would be your ideal method of dieing?

    1. Mom's roast beef :D
    2. Everything. I'd blow all my money on white widow, lemon kush, some purps, and northern lights. Bongs, blunts, joints, vapes, everything.
    3. Accept it man.
    4, I'd tell everyone how I really felt. Especially my ex. I'd tell the people who I truly love how I'd never forget them and I'll be watching from above :smoke:
    5. Natural causes
  9. Last Supper?
    .Last Session Strain/Smoking Method?
    .What would you do activity wise?
    .Would you accept the inevitable or dismay it?
    .What would be your last words if you could choose to say them to anybody?
    .What would be your ideal method of dieing?

    -Bro cant answer last supper its whatever the ganja wants me to eat at the time. lol
    -last session would be whatever i could get with the money in my bank account
    -id definately spend most of my last day with my girl because im that cheesed up romantic guy :D lol
    -id totally accept it because id be baked.
    -wouldnt have last words, i just find it a little lame to do a cliche thing like that but id prolly go out with a joint in my mouth and girl in my arms.
    -Marijuana overdose, weed supplied by somebody else. lol its funny because its impossible.
  10. Who the fuck would waste time eating on their last day of life?

  11. Probably not me, but since this is all completely hypothetical...

    .Last Supper?
    My nana's homemade lasagna. I also want homemade german chocolate cake.

    .Last Session Strain/Smoking Method?
    Errr...some amazingly crazy dank bud that produces almost mythical effects lmao.

    .What would you do activity wise?
    I would try to get everyone important to me together for the first half of the day, spend it with all of them enjoying all of their company and telling them to find closeness in my departure, etc. Then the second half I want to just drive on my own, my favorite albums, and maybe at the end of the night meet up with someone I wouldn't want to die without speaking with first.

    .Would you accept the inevitable or dismay it?
    I'd accept it if it were absolutely inevitable, I suppose.

    .What would be your last words if you could choose to say them to anybody?
    No last words.

    .What would be your ideal method of dieing?
    During sleep I guess. It's "dying", too. :D
  12. 1. BBQ Ribs
    2. Hits from the bong, some Headband
    3. I'd accept the fact that my time is up.
    4. My last words "I'll be saving you all a seat in hell"
    5. I'd like to die after I bust a nut in Kim Kardashian.
  13. You will have last words unless you plan to stay silent that entire day. Even if you did that, whatever you said at the end of the previous day would still be your last words.

  14. That's true, haha I guess I didn't give that any thought. I kind of took the question literally, like my last gasping breath or whatever. I have no idea if I could even plan my "last words" though...I guess it would just depend on the last person I spoke to.
  15. .Last Supper? moms cooking.

    .Last Session Strain/Smoking Method?
    Bong/blunts, purp

    .What would you do activity wise?
    spend it with the few I care about

    .Would you accept the inevitable or dismay it?
    if it happens, it happens

    .What would be your last words if you could choose to say them to anybody?
    I'm going away tonight, know that I'll miss you.

    .What would be your ideal method of dying?
    sleep, quite peaceful I guess.
  16. Steamed Blue Crabs
    Pound of dank with enough cigarillos to roll it up with
    Anything and Everything
    Id probably be sad that it was my last day
    Tell my family i love them
    Quick and Painless
  17. .Last Supper? A big sweet juicy chicken parmesan dinner plate with pasta and the works

    .Last Session Strain/Smoking Method?
    Purple SourD/White Widow from the cleanest most impressive bong known to man

    .What would you do activity wise?
    Have a big ole sesh reflecting on my past life with the ones I'm closest to

    .Would you accept the inevitable or dismay it?
    I've already learned to accept the inevitable almost a year ago

    .What would be your last words if you could choose to say them to anybody?
    Smoke my ashes

    .What would be your ideal method of dying?
    With a huge cloud of weed smoke bursting out of my lungs as my final breath draws to an end
  18. i will die however it happens and accept it. Fear it? yes, but still, accepting the inevitable fate that we all must die to make room for those who must live. "ITS THE CIRRRRRRCLEEEE OF LIFEEEEEEEEEEEE"

    Id wanna die to this song though, that much I know.

    [ame=]YouTube - Oasis - Champagne Supernova[/ame]
  19. #19 JakeTheDuck, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    I've always wanted to be dropped off in outer space, in a space suit. Then I could float around until the oxygen runs out and I'd die.

    edit: oh and it'd be so sick with an ipod and something unmentionable.
  20. Last Supper:
    Family box of KFC with nacho cheese, chili cheese dogs, gummy bears, lots of beer

    Last sesh:
    Bong rips with various strains of herb and full melts, all while in a helicopter of course

    activity wise:
    I would drive around town and kick everyones asses who I have ever had beef with, hit up every girl in my phone and bang each one of them. Smoke mad blunts and fish with this one chick thats super chill, then bang her

    Last Words: I would hand my best friend a random key that doesnt go to anything and say "Here is the key which will unlock infinite riches for you, the chest is buried at...." I would die right before telling him where the made up chest is buried so he wonders his whole life

    Ideal Method of dying:
    Something really brutal, you only get to die once. Like being thrown into a pit with 3 wolves and a grizzly bear and only having a dual sided spear to protect myself with

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