Perfect Humidity Solution!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by poker and porn, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hi Alll... I am a first time grower at 58 years old. I had low humidity and high temperature in my small grow box (36"H x 33"W x 15"D).

    I have a 125 watt CFL light in the box and it is to hot even with a 4" in line 80 CFM exhaust. Less humidity than can be registered and temp always around 85 degrees. Tried everything suggested here and still could not regulate the climate.

    Went to Walgreens yesterday for a RX and while waiting for it to be filled I walked around the store.
    Lo and behold, the solution literally hit me in the head! A woman was reaching for a box on the top shelf with her cane , as I asked her if she needed help she managed to free the box and it fell onto my head!!! Low and behold a "personal cool mist humidifier" fell out of the heavens! HA!

    Purchased it, set it up and my temp is now around 76 degrees and the humidity is up to 40-50%!

    WOO HOO! hope this solves problems for you!

    BTW it was only $19.99 on sale. $24 reg price. Guess it was a sign that I SHOULD be growing!

    Check the pics out.



  2. Looks like you got it dialed in just right. Nice job. Temp and humidity is just right.
  3. lo and behold. thats good news. hope it works out for you. is it suupposed to use a waterbottle?
  4. It is made for water bottles. I dumped the bottled water and use distilled water.
  5. You can probably just use regular tap water unless it calls for bottled or distilled water in the instructions.
  6. My choice to use distilled water. Doesn't allow scale to form in the humidifier.
  7. I bet you could put carbonated water in there and that would be real kick ass. I going to go get one by the way...thank you!!!!
  8. Nice! I did the same thing about two weeks ago when I was having humidity problems. I love how the cool mist also brings the room temp down just a notch. I paid $60-70ish for mine though cuz its automatic and regulates the humidity in the room. Also has a big reservoir that lasts a few days.
  9. very nicely done P&P...i've been lookin for a solution to my high temps/low humidity problem for the last couple days and if my lowtech solution of a heating pad w/ pan of water doesnt work then i'm gonna go grab one of these! thanks a lot!
  10. nice!

    i just added a humidifier myself...

    had the exact same issues you have, 85 temp and 20-30rH

    did the addiition of the humidifier alone drop your temps to the desired range?

    fingers crossed,
    my girls got hurt last night from the dry/heat...
  11. humidifier alone dropped the temp. working out great!
  12. Great find, hell ya!

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