Perfect day for blazing.

Discussion in 'General' started by Highest, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Well it's raining pretty hard here in CT and I just sat on my porch and smoked a bowl :smoking:

    got some pretty dank bud so it's all good

    Is it raining in any other states?
  2. was just raining in MD but stopped just a little this is me :smoking:
  3. Hmm it's raining a little bit in south western ontario, but it's warmer then a lot of other days we have had so I cracked open a window, to hear the sounds I guess. Sounds good down there though.
  4. It's been pouring here, has been all morning. It'll stop for about five minutes and start again, sucks :( I want sunny skies
  5. Raining/Snowing in MO

    Gotta run to class but I'll be joining in afterwards.
  6. Pennsylvania reporting in
  7. It's 64 degrees and windy as fuck, so no smoking outside here today. I am gonna go chill outside with my iolite though.
  8. here in new york its rainin hard and windy as fuckk
  9. raining here in amherst and mad windy too. im still soaked from walking back from class. I'm feeling like a blunt, a nice warm shower then some hw/chilling in my room :cool:
  10. The rain lasted just long enough to soak me on my ten minute walk to work, then stopped and made way for a beutiful day that I can't enjoy.
  11. this statement should be bolded

  12. Edit: here in new york its rainin hard and windy as fuckk

    Kinda hard to smoke :(:smoking: but still managed
  13. here in boston

    pouring down rain

    *removes roor from cabinet*
  14. Southern NH. The shits coming down hard. Plus when it hits the snow it creates a blanket of fog, couldn't see 10ft in front of me when I was driving.
  15. Id say, during a blizzard, like if we have a small spot to blaze and not out in the wind, i just love the scene
  16. downtown chicago light snow shower, windy as fuckk

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