I've had this sheldon black bubbler for a couple weeks now and I've been keeping it clean with hot water, and then if it's dirty enough I use some 91% iso w/ the leftover salt crystals from my old bottle of 420 cleaner (the plastic-acrylic cleaner type) Over the past few days i've noticed a slight frost developing around the bottom of my percs about where i keep the water line at.... What is this frost and is it harming my glass or can i get rid of it with some grunge off or something? If my glass is going to look like this with cheap cleaner then i'll get an expensive cleaner no question. by the way, i first noticed it after i mixed iso with salt and filled it to about the water level, and let it sit for a few mins and then lots of shaking and then rinsed with water... help appreciated, thanks.
idk what the "frost" is but try simple green its the same as grunge off but cheaper... I bought a 2 liter bottle of simple green at wal-mart for $7 and it cleaned my bong that had not been cleaned in over a year in no time.
waited to take pics til after I used some Simple Green to see if it would work, NOPE! take a look and please help me get my bubbler pretty again!
^ What I use to get it off my percs is lemon juice. That, or 90+% ISO Alcohol seems to work just fine. Let it soak for a while, maybe even a light shake.
iso and salt may be what CAUSED the problem, it's obviously not resin because all signs of resin are gone after a wash, but this gunk remains.... One thing i noticed is that the SHeldon Black logo on the percs inside the tube seems to be fading. No chance that the paint came off when shaking the solution and then reapplied itself after I let it sit down at the percs right?
Now that I go back and look at pictures of when I first got it, I am POSITIVE that the white paint inside the Sheldon Black logo is fading badly, the black seems to be okay, and the logo just seems to look alot darker rather than dissapearing or anything, but it still worries me for dropping 240$ on this thing...
Maybe it was the salt, but ISO alone will not make that happen. I know for a fact lemon juice or something acidic will work for sure. lol, there is no chance that happened to the paint, it's just fading.
So just for confirmation, you think lemon juice will work for the frosty looking stuff, not talking about resin in particular correct?
damn dude.. sorry to see that before/after comparison. i wanted to say it was just hard water stain/spots but that looks a lot more than that.. but yea dont use any kind of vinegar, lemon juice, or basically anything with some kind of acidicity. that shit will eat away labels. where did you buy this? you 100% sure its real? i mean i know it looks real, but to fade away like that without using anything else than iso/salt.. hmm i just thought of something.. that 420 cleaner you used.. that might be the issue here.. was it really old maybe? maybe even as far as to ask.. is your water supply is fucked up? i used to use regular water from the sink to fill up my toro, and that left a lot of hard water spots, when i switched to filtered water (like one of those PUR filter pitchers) it still has some, but it stays a hell of a lot cleaner.
the 420 cleaner WAS pretty old, and it was for acrylic and plastic pipes and bongs I guess, but there was only a really small amount of solution, i was only using it for the salt crystals and adding them to the iso... I bought it from the only place around here that sells high-quality glass, TORO, ROOR, alot of stuff, so i wouldn't think it's fake, but i'm about to walk back into that store, this is ridiculous....
So as far as the percs go, I should test CLR or something that would get rid of them...? now about the label, should I contact the store? I'm not exactly sure what to do...
NO DUDE DO NOT USE CLR. that is the same as lemon juice man.. clr RAPES labels... the L is for LIME!! death dude.. but yea go ahead and go to the smoke shop and ask for an exchange.. make sure its totally clean of mary j resin.
Exchange for what? A bong that has a non worn label? Please for the love of god do not listen to these people, the store will laugh in your face if you go back to return a bong YOU damaged. Listen, you are not going to remove the hard water stains unless you use some type of LIME or ACID. If you choose you use these products, most of the label will come off, that's just how it works. Nothing is wrong with your piece, you put alcohol and salt in your bong, what did you expect to happen to a label?
You have strong command of your misinformation, but it's still misinformation. CLR puts directions on how to clean your coffee maker on the back of the bottle. It is perfectly safe to use on a water pipe so long as you flush it thoroughly afterwards (this is true of any cleaning product).