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Perception of Life

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by HerbalEssences, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. So I was just doing some thinking as usual and I wanted to write this down and see what you guys think.

    Your reality is what you perceive

    Your perception is based off your life experiences

    Your perception can be altered through training your brain but more easily through drugs

    Your can change your perception of anything to make your reality whatever your mind can think of

    Society's reality is based on the perception of the group that makes up that society and these peoples collective experiences

    Your reality and society's reality can be different or the same it's up to you

    However you cannot change society's reality only your own

    Society can however judge your reality and perception and affect your reality

    I did shrooms and it really opened my mind to new thinking. While introspecting on shrooms ( I have always appreciated life) I realized that life is just so goddamn valuable and it can only be shitty if you let yourself perceive it that way. I though about how people can get depressed and it really struck a cord with me because I have been battling with Social Anxiety Disorder.

    After doing shrooms I did some reading on Social Anxiety Disorder and discovered that for me at least it has developed based on negative thought patterns that I constantly use to perceive people around me. My main issue with Social Anxiety Disorder is that it causes my checks to constantly be red which is uncomfortable and embarrassing.

    I read a great article about depression and related mental perception disorders and the author really emphasized that you have to change your thought patterns about whatever your issue affects rather than go through therapy and medication which usually suppresses the issue rather than solving it.

    So I tried changing my negative though patterns or my perception about social situations. I tried hard and it worked, I have been successful in changing most of my negative perceptions and my cheek issues has significantly improved. I'm not done yet and I never will be but from this experience all I now know it this

    I used to live in my reality, I still live in the same reality however my perception has changed and no longer is it the same reality but instead a much better reality.

    The mind is capable of more than you might think and from this experience I have learned that I can constantly improve the quality of my life by improving the way I perceive reality.

    Thanks for reading if you made it this far
  2. That was awesome dude. It's amazing how much clearer shrooms makes things once you've come down. It's almost like things just click, you explained it really well.

  3. I just did shrooms for the first time a few weeks ago and I know exactly what you mean, I felt/feel the same way about everything you just said.

    +rep for putting it into words :)
  4. #4 deadtrend6, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    dude i gotta be crazy.

    ive done shrooms a couple of times with a close friend.

    him and his cousin are always talking about introspection and shit....

    i just wanted to get naked and roll in the dirt and do headstands......maybe im the only one who actually "enjoys" them lol

    they just make me stop fucking careing

    oo...and i drew a bad ass fish-god-sun-person-thing...
  5. haha ya shrooms definitely change your perception of life. They make you think of life in a more universal way, well for me anyway
  6. Ive been wanting to try shrooms and i finally got a homie that wants me to trip with em. if i take shrooms and wake up the next day will any one know that i shroomed? like will my pupils still be dilated?
  7. I'm also interested in trying shrooms. I'm a little nervous, but after reading the OP I feel like I need to. I also suffer with anxiety and depression, and before I began smoking marijuana I was contemplating suicide. As much as pot has changed my perceptions and helped me overcome my excessive negativity, I think that shrooms would take me even further.
  8. yeah i really want to trip but im afraid ive only drank n smoked never any other drug. my friends say its awesome
  9. Thanks for the replys and.... Shroom trips are a very subjective experience.

    I had a very open mind about them when I tried them and did them in the summer during an amazing sunset evening. I was was with 3 good friends and we had fold able chairs and drinks.

    Things to bring...
    -food and drinks me
    -as little valuables as possible because the first time really makes you let go of the rules your whole life has been used to.
    -Trusted friends

    The first time did not make me feel the way I wrote about in this post... The first time was much more of a great fucked up adventure. The following times however were much more focused on introspection
  10. ya last time i did shrooms i def. was talking about almost the same stuff...

    me and my friend were having a conversation about how perception is reality and some other concepts you touched on...they really are concrete when you are on shrooms..wen i did them i was kinda frustrated cuz i feel like i couldnt really articulate all the crazy shit i was thinking about

    aslo listening to moby makes me hella introspective
  11. I know thats the problem with shrooms. Words can barely touch on describing them. I did a lot of research about shrooms before I tried them and nothing came close to describing them. Lol when I was high on them I was like "OMG this is some kind of conspiracy why aren't people telling each other about this amazing experience? I later realized the reason was because there is such a negative stigma attached to drugs and because I could not even begin to explain what they really felt like.
  12. I agree with him. +rep from me too.
    Also I've never tried shrooms but you, my good sir, have inspired me. haha:)
    Not really though b/c I've wanted to do them for awhile I'm just waiting for a good opportunity.
  13. Hmm sounds to me like either existentialism or secular naturalism. nothing new my friend, but cool none the less
  14. ratherdashing thank you for sharing the definition of my thoughts... I find myself happy I came up with these ideas on my own but they are shared with famous philosophers
  15. mind linking the article? i think we might have some of the same problems

  16. I personally haven't experienced shrooms but you did explain what you were saying very well and i've actually just experienced something very similar and never been able to describe to myself what it was and i think you just explained it very well
    to the OP +rep
  17. yes dude sounds like you are becomming unbrainwashed think about this:

    life is only bad if you constantly think about how bad it is
  18. #18 lonew0lf420, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2013
    great job articulating a philosophical matter that most ppl think about. Reality is totally a perception of the mind but when it can be perceived from the most transparent lens, existence itself is truly a miracle and something to be cherished. I don't think you need to take any drugs to have this epiphany, however as you said it can expedite the process of this realization if you're utilizing the drugs for reasons of learning.  
    srry about the bump but this thread has intrinsic value 
  19. I dig the philosophical outlook OP, I'm the same way. 

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