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Perc also filters the weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Plams, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Idk i'm trying to buy a bong right now and I'm deciding whether I want a perc because it filters out the weed 2 right?:eek: (Filter means like keeps the weed from going into my bong.) So cleaning my bong would be easier

    Oh yah and give me some info about perc and some good deals on bongs at this site
  2. You're thinking of an ashcatcher or a precooler. A percolator cools smoke by diffusion.
  3. Ya you are thinking of a ashcatcher/trashcatcher, not a perc. That's for smoke diffusion, an ashcatcher is merely just more filtration.
  4. As said above, just a misnomer. Ashcatchers are nice though, for sure theres even glass on glass to make your ashcatcher into a simple bubbler.

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