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People with Cancer.. how much do you smoke?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by d50416, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. i was diagnosed with ALL back in July, and crazily enough i reached Remission back in december..

    anyways, to others who have cancer, or a variant of; how much do you smoke? for me ive taken a complete break from it, but a couple weeks ago i decided to hit up my old dealer.. i bought a half-gram, sucks not being able to work, but i made that last me a full week, with some left to spare - thank you one-hitter:smoke:

    im thinking about buying a MLFB vape once i get some cash and maybe a couple g's to see how it works.

    anyways, im just wondering how much you guys smoke, how often?
  2. i dont have cancer, i just wanted to add my 2 cents in that i would suggest to get a vape, very helpful :)
    i also live in the 732 too.
  3. ive been seeing lots of good reviews for the MLFB but im afraid of being in my parents house while smoking out of it.. ive heard its pretty discreet but im not sure

  4. You should look up Rick Simpsons "Run From the Cure" on youtube and watch the documentary. He heals cancer patients by treating them with hemp oil, rather than smoking or vaping. The healing properties in the plant reveal themselves much more, ideal for cancer patients. So ingesting the THC and CBD would be the healthiest and best way to go. His way of making the oil requires 1 pound of quality herb (obviously a lot), but there are other recipes out there that require much less. Just search around on google.

    sorry for not answering your question. :smoke:

  5. Don't worry about the smell. I don't have a MLFB, but I do have a VaporBros, and you do not smell a thing, and the vapor disappears within seconds. As long as you don't do it in front of your parents :p, they will never know.

    And also! Save the already vaped weed, and you can cook with it. Make sure you don't vape it till its black though, stop once it has a slight-dark brown color but not black. I have made a tea with this many times.. and if you do it right, its amaazing.
    So yea, deff get a vape! Totally worth the money, just don't buy a poorly made knock-off, you'll be inhaling toxic fumes.

  6. I should have added this:

    Save the already vaped weed, and you can cook with it. Make sure you stop vaping once the herb turns slight-dark brown, unless you don't want to cook with it. I have made a tea with this many times.. and if you do it right, its amaazing. If you want a recipe, let me know.
    Def buy a vape, just don't buy a poorly made knock-off, you'll be inhaling toxic fumes.
  7. you dont smoke from a vape. it wont smell anything like smoke, and it will produce no carcinogens(which smoke always will have).

    if you are fighting cancer, edibles would be your best bet, vaporizers would be a fantastic alternative to smoking(takes about the same amount of time to perform and kick in). good luck!
  8. well i know it doesnt produce the overpowering smoke smell, ive smoked one with my friend in his house, but im just worried itll have the weed smell floating in the air, but i guess if i get some incense and crack a window im more than covered?
  9. Maybe you dont fully understand, you dont(or rather, you shouldnt!) SMOKE from a VAPORizer, there should be no smoke produced, if there is then you are defeating the purpose and possibly damaging the unit you are using.

    Vapor would smell more like the herb itself, rather then any smoke. However, there usually isnt a lot of vapor released upon exhalation if you dont take unneccesarilly large hits and dont hold them in for very long, and thats the only thing that would smell.
    Vapor is not absorbed as quickly as smoke, so its ok to hold it in.
    Its also completely different then smoking, in many many ways, it also has a slightly different effect. it wont be such a heavy body high, though you CAN still get a body high from a vaporizer.

    Theres so much information out there regarding vaporizers and such, but the best place is, other people there are using it with serious medical conditions as well, and its a smaller community, so its easier to get information. come check it out, I am on there too :wave:

    you wouldnt need to do much more then opening a window. I never use any spray or anything, just have decent air circulation and you should be fine.

    I am sorry if that was kind of unorganized, I went off on a bit of a rant.
  10. I have a box vap I ordered from vapor warez. You should get one. Though your right, it does smell. It doesn't smell strong, but back when I first got mine, I tried to vape without my parents realizing and they did smell the herb. I had strong ganja, and it could have been just from breaking it in the room.
    Though you should get one, just use incense and spray. Then it would be such a light smell you shouldn't worry.

    Also I think you should talk to your parents about weed if you can. I mean if you have been diagnosed with cancer, and yet you cannot behave as an adult with your own decisions. You are a mature adult, and should bring up cannabis as such. Then you wouldn't have to hide anymore!

  11. i could go for the recipe.

    i have a bunch of vaped weed.. not being used

  12. You will need
    - 4-5 grams of ABVB (already been vaped bud) *5 G's can be very potent, but awesome:smoke:*
    - Tea bag (choose any old tea bag and just empty it, and refill with ABVB, and staple it shut) this will save you the trouble of straining your tea after all is done. Also, make sure you grind your weed up nice and fine.
    - 3/4 cup water
    - 1-4 tbsp butter (depends on amount of ABVB used)
    - 1 cup milk
    - honey/sugar/cinnamon for flavor

    Also, it might be better to use 2 separate tea bags, so the tea bag isn't overly stuffed. Altho, i have done 5 g's in 1 bag and it worked fine.

    Step 1: Bring water to boil
    Step 2: While waiting for water to boil, prepare your tea bag
    Step 3: Once water is boiling, add your butter, then add your weed-bag. Stir lightly (don't want to tear the tea bag! has happened to me a couple times).
    Step 4: Turn down heat and simmer, covered, for 1 hour.
    Step 5: After the simmer, add your 1 cup milk, bring to a rolling boil, stirring frequently, for about 15-30 seconds, then turn heat down and simmer for another 20 min.
    Step 6: Ready to serve... Oh, and add your sugar and what not for flavor. Drink while still warm!

    Good luck and enjoy! Report back on your results!
  13. You should be very careful with choosing a vaporizer, as cheap/low quality vapes can actually be dangerous to use. Do your research so you choose the right vape for YOU, and just as importantly, one that is SAFE!

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