People who started smoking weed before they were 21

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by ResinHits, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. I started smoking at 10 my mom and dad were not angry at all so no paranoia Fuck the police
  2. In my opinion, the paranoia comes more from people who are scared of being caught smoking (younger people who have to worry about parents, for example). They then blame the weed rather than their own self. I'm sure there are plenty of actual cases where weed causes paranoia, but I would argue that a lot comes from younger people being worried about being caught and then blaming the weed.

    Check out my high idea blog?
  3. I did it for tge first time at 14 then really started smoking at 15...
  4. didn't you make a thread about being depressed, throwing up all the time, and cutting yourself? :confused:
  5. I agree with the paranoia theory. I started when I was 13, and I'm 24 now. I've been smoking at least 5 times a week for 11 years. When I just started, I remember, I smoked on my roof at night only when my parents were for sure asleep! I always heard shit, like opening doors and foot steps. But it's kinda worn off now that I smoke in my own living room with my own bills to pay.
  6. Wow maybe my ridiculous temperament and desire to beat the shit out of people I hate is a result of my binge drinking hard alcohol at the age of 14. I had never really considered that.
  7. I agree. I'm paranoid because its illegal, not because of the weed
  8. I started when I was 14 and I'm normal I suppose. I do have extreme trouble remembering things I don't give a shit about. Even if it's something a normal person would remember, like if my boss told me his child was dead I would probably forget about in about a day and make a joke about his kid.

    I doubt that's the fault of marijuana though, I think that's a problem with me. Weed doesn't help it for sure, though.
  9. Probably :hello:
  10. I started my sophomore year. The only paranoia I had was wondering if my grandparents were about to walk in, or when I was dealing, when I'd see a cop or wind up in a sketchy situation somewhere.
  11. Started when I was 14,I told my parents later on and they were fine with it. :smoke:

  12. I wouldnt say its 100% to blame. You might blow a fuse easily just cause thats the way you are, but the alcohol has some sort of impact i would imagine

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