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People who say alcohol is worse than weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dxtania, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. #1 dxtania, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2012
    Really have no idea what they're talking about. I just got in a full on argument 3v3 about which is worse. And they just don't have anything to back their statement up. It's like they were brainwashed and won't listen to facts. It's amazing how things like that stick with people. They just need a good healthy dose of the god damn herb ;)

    You guys have to deal with people like that?
    I just prefer not to argue but they kept talking and talking. Hahah

    Edit: I meant people who say weed is worth than alcohol lmao
  2. #2 Datrok, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2012
    Uh, let me make sure i'm reading this right..... "People who say alcohol is worse than weed really have no idea what they're talking about.", i disagree with you good sir
  3. dude, alcohol is worse than weed. what are you saying?
  4. yeaa... what ^this guy said. I don't drink alcohol because it is bad for you....soo maybe you don't know what your talking about?
  5. Yeah, he wrote that out wrong I take it, haha. Yes I can't believe some people are naive enough to think weed is worse than alcohol. I've had countless mornings where I felt like death because of the pervious night of drinking.

    However, when I smoke I feel great the next morning. That is if I didn't eat too much, stay up too late, or drink any alcohol..haha:smoke:
  6. I think he means people who say "Weed is worse than alcohol."

    because....alcohol is worse than weed. it destroys your liver and your kidneys...
  7. Well, weed never killed anyone for starters...
  8. CDC - Fact Sheets-Alcohol Use And Health - Alcohol

    If you're going to drink, please consider B vitamin supplementation. Beer, as brewed by our ancestors, was an excellent source of B-vites. There have been discussions of fortifying modern day alcohol with vitamins to reduce health risks. Like so many ideas which would make a great deal of sense, politicians have argued about it endlessly, with no real results
    The controversy about vitamins in alcohol. The arguments against the compulsory addition of vitamin B-1 (thiamin) to alcoholic beverages - Wood - 2009 - Australian Drug and Alcohol Review - Wiley Online Library
  9. well actually There Is special reptors, called the anandomine receptor which are there and the are there to receive THC, the THC Stimulates these receptor allowing to release neurotransmitters, and it doesnt really physically effect. There are no receptor in the brain for alcohol, alcohol blocks a certain type of transmitter cant recall at the moment, but yeah they brain isnt adapted to receivng alcohol like it is for THC
  10. beer and wine in moderation are actually good for you. your friends probably consider "alcohol" to be binge drinking since for most young people drinking moderately isn't exactly commonplace, in which case they would be correct. binge drinking is certainly worse than smoking weed.
  11. Not everyone who drinks beer may need or want those specific vitamins. What if you have someone who drinks a lot of beer, too much of anything can be bad, even vitamins.
  12. Itt: Op is high and really meant to type "People who say weed is worse than alcohol"
  13. Yeah i wrote that out wrong hahah. Right, moderation is key. But the thing is they don't even mention that, they just say alcohol is better. I agree that in moderation alcohol can be healthy, but still marijuana is not necessarily bad for you. I'm just saying they don't know what they are talking about at all.
  14. and smoking weed isnt too good for your lungs, vaporize instead or edibles. if you wanna see how to build a vaporizer easy portable one you can use anywhere and its under 10 dollars for supplies from head shop
  15. lol @ title
  16. Weed > Alcohol

  17. THC also mimics the actions of a naturally occurring neurotransmitter, ananamide. Being such a simple molecule, however, alcohol has a much greater affect on the brain (as it mimics 4 neurotransmitters if I remember right), as well as fucks the liver in large doses. Ananamide doesn't affect any vital systems unlike acetylcholine.
  18. Yeah, I would like to see a list of your pros and cons regarding why you think weed is worse for you. As far as I know, from personal experience and obersvance including statistics (violent crimes, disease), alcohol is much worse.
  19. Yall are brainwashed
  20. Posting in a legendary stoner thread lol, nice one op made me laugh.

    I would agree weed is better than alcohol, you can eat edibles or you can vape to make it even healthier.

    But binge drinking, cause you gotta get drunk amirite? vs smoking a bunch of weed to get high...yah weed is definitely safer.

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