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people who always seem to know when you finished a bowl.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by jungleman420, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Ever get the feeling like someone know you just finished a bowl and they call and ask if you want something to eat or drink? Here lately it seems as My fiance and granny seem to hit it several times a week. Last night granny called and asked If i was hungry. Of course I said yes and she brought some salsbury steak and potatoes homemade even. The fiance calls and ask if I want anything from sonic about everyday. I just find it awesome that luck seems to be high with this one. Neither of these people blaze with me and granny dont even know i smoke.

    Anyone else seem like it happens to them also.
  2. Ha no fuck I wish I had that going on for me. I'm jealous. I just raid the kitchen when I get the munchies. I actually kinda prefer it cuz I get to make the crazy concoctions that only taste good to a high person. The next day you're just like did I really fucking eat that?
  3. I still just fix something thats known good while im stoned. But Ill never pass on some of grannys fine home cooking espically the Cornbread, Mexican Cornbread and roast. Always great.

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