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people taking 1 year t breaks?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hoboleader, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. wats with these people taking t breaks for 6 months or 2 years lol. does it really take that long? or are they quitting for other reason.

    imo it only takes a month max.

  2. for me the longer i am without cannabis the more fucked up ill be once i get that first hit in.

    so yeah 1 month t-break is to get all the thc out but the longer you are without weed the more you forget the high so once you light up again then POW!:eek: right in the kisser, you'll be :hippie:
  3. Well sometimes people don't always want to take those 1 year t-break, sometimes they might have to stop for probation, job, or tolerance i guess.
  4. Normally I'll take a few days off after a couple of consecutive smoking days not only to reduce my tolerance but to save my money and make the weed last a bit longer. Plus, I feel really good after a couple days of not getting high and the next time I toke is super awesome, so I do enjoy the breaks.
  5. when i smoke l usually only toke 2 maybe 3 times a week and then t break for a week its nice being sober and when i do smoke its usually just a couple of hits unless im blazing with mates makes my precious weed last longer and my tolerance down. i can make a gram last a month if i wanted
  6. My metabolism is so high, a T break over 2-3 weeks would be pointless. But, obviously it would save money and keep you from being caught. So I can see why someone might do it.
  7. I'd take however long a T-Break to get high like my first few times. Man..those were the days..:(
  8. 1 Year T Break? Ridiculous and entirely unnecessary. The benefit's could not possibly out weigh the fact that I haven't been high in a year. Fuck that.
  9. You enjoy it more if you miss it.
  10. Most people take 1 year t breaks because of jobs, probation or personal reasons.

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