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People putting "peace" at the end of their post

Discussion in 'General' started by Lambchop1, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. #1 Lambchop1, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    It doesn't make you look cool, and it doesn't make what you said seem powerful or more legit. It's just gay.

  2. Peace?

  3. Making a thread that condemns someone else doesn't make you cool

  4. You sound like you could use some peace

  5. [quote name='"psychoperson25"']Making a thread that condemns someone else doesn't make you cool


    Aha I knew people would get all on me. I just saw it like 5 times today and was like wtfffff stop.

  6. Maybe the person likes to say peace? Or perhaps it's just they're way of saying good-bye? Or maybe it's just a nice way to say fuck off?

    Peace homeskillet.
  7. i started that trend


  8. PLus i kinda get the idea you don't really care becuase you did it too haha
  9. What if their just trying to spread a little peace?

  10. [quote name='"rumblefish"']You sound like you could use some peace


    I'm so peaceful you don't even know, and if you think otherwise I will fight you.

  11. Two in the pink, one in the stink

  12. ..............
  13. Who cares?

  14. [quote name='"psilopsyche"']Maybe the person likes to say peace? Or perhaps it's just they're way of saying good-bye? Or maybe it's just a nice way to say fuck off?

    Peace homeskillet.[/quote]

    I'm not talking about that context, I mean when people are like arguing with someone and then post something that they think is wicked momentous like they just dropped some serious knowledge on you and then skip like ten lines and say peace like there's no arguing with them.

    On a side note, I'm glad people are responding lol! Is there a way to edit the thread title so there's no typo? :(

  15. [quote name='"thatslove"']Who cares?


    Who cares about anything.


  17. [quote name='"Lambchop1"']

    I'm not talking about that context, I mean when people are like arguing with someone and then post something that they think is wicked momentous like they just dropped some serious knowledge on you and then skip like ten lines and say peace like there's no arguing with them.

    On a side note, I'm glad people are responding lol! Is there a way to edit the thread title so there's no typo? :(


    Ahh I see what you mean.

    And yeah, edit your OP and go to the advanced option.

    Edit: Peace.

  18. I just wanted an excuse to say peace.

  19. [quote name='"psilopsyche"']

    Ahh I see what you mean.

    And yeah, edit your OP and go to the advanced option.

    Edit: Peace.[/quote]

    LOL I was about to call you out on being the first to not peace.

  20. LOL! That's a classic


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