Im really getting tired of logging on to GC and coming here and reading peoples bogus stories about how they are gonna commit suicide or they know someone else who is or how they got shot or their friend died. I mean seriously if you are gonna post this kind of story provide some evidence. I mean is all this worth a little feedback, i mean i feel sorry for you if this is how you get attention or satisfy your need for human interaction. Moreover, why post stuff about your dead friend or whatever on this website? why not show your friend some respect and mourn, not parade his death around like the media on the internet for shits and giggles. I dont know what to say to people like that, i mean seriously its fucked up and there is other shit i could read that is worthwhile or atleast mildly entertaining, not some bullshit story. Maybe I'm just an insensitive asshole but i don't get off to shit like that, anyways im out...
I'm going to have to ask you for some proof of your claims. In all seriousness, fuck off. I'd rather someone come to GC for help then kill themselves. People keep a lot of things hidden from everyone they know; they can seem like a happy person to the people around them while suffering from sever depression. Just being able to talk to another person that knows how they feel can give them hope.
If somebody really is suicidal, they should check themselves into the hospital instead of going on the internet.
So people from the internet piss you off enough that you start a thread and bitch about it? Grow a social life apart from the internet....suck it up kid.
Meh. Dont mind the suicide threads and the storys make a good read, whether bogus or not bogus. Now I tell you what pisses me off..... When I come into RLS and I see this list of threads: "Got caught " "OMG HELP GC I GOT CAUGHT AGAIN" "Caught today, probably getting kicked out" "Fucking sister ratted me out" "I got caught yesterday and now..." etc.
damn i just clicked on this thread right when ''Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon'' started playing. crazy vibes whoa.
You know i'm gonna have to say you're a huge fucking asshat. Some people find comfort knowing they can come here and tell the truth about what they feel and get some advice since they can't talk to people in their real life. O and you really want someone to prove their friend got fucking shot you want a pic of their friend with half his head gone? that's a fucked up thing to say really fucked up i mean have some god damn respect if you don't like it don't click it you fuckin poon.
I have never LOL-ed so loud in my life. This is the second most existentially-humorous piece of writing I have ever seen in my life. The first was when I saw someone putting up posters in the local neighborhood that read "Missing White Person". You know, so they could get help finding themselves. Except they took it to a ridiculous level, putting up posters to make it a community effort. Except that I was blazed out of my mind at the time, and the posters actually read "Missing White Persian" because they lost their cat, and my baked self misread it and went off on a crazy tangent. This is kind of like that, only second best.
If you don't like it here, no one is holding you hostage so you're welcome to leave. We've got a pretty tight community that supports each other...for the most part. We definitely have our days. I wouldn't expect someone who's been here a month or so to understand the relationships that our members have with each other or the purpose of our community for that matter. So, remember, you're not a hostage. You don't have to be here. (Guys, even when warranted, name-calling doesn't float. We can communicate without calling someone a name.) (Also, as far as the threads regarding suicidal tendencies, it's always best to consult a professional or at least a website that deals with suicide and depression. We're stoners...while we'll comfort you in the best way possible, we can't fix things and some might get paranoid when you log off and try every way possible to track you down to make sure you're ok. You might not want that. )