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People act like we're insignificant just because we have no impact on the overall universe

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by LostBegonia, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. But whatever is happening in the infinite vast of space also has no impact on us! Why is it significant or meaningful to say we have no impact on the vast insignificant nothingness. Our work has no impact.....on what? the vast nothingness? so what? how is the vast nothingness significant. Your starting point should be, is that significant to the world around me? So what if my life has no impact on the overall infinity and eternity? Why is that the bar you are setting for me? shouldn't the goal be making your life significant to the observable world and society?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. The whole universe is traveling toward the great Attractor almost at the speed of light.
    Everything is going toward it .
    Everything is going somewhere,, and everything is moving.
    Nothing stays still

    Great Attractor - Wikipedia

    Great Attractor

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky. The location of the Great Attractor is shown following the long blue arrow at bottom right.
    Hubble Space Telescope image of the region of the sky where the Great Attractor is located

    The Great Attractor is a purported gravitational attraction in intergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of the Laniakea Supercluster. This supercluster contains our own galaxy, the Milky Way, as well as about 100,000 other galaxies.

    The observed attraction suggests a localized concentration of mass millions of times more massive than the Milky Way. However, it is inconveniently obscured by our own Milky Way's galactic plane, lying behind the Zone of Avoidance (ZOA), so that in visible light wavelengths, the Great Attractor is difficult to observe directly.[1]

    The attraction is observable by its effect on the motion of galaxies and their associated clusters over a region of hundreds of millions of light-years across the universe. These galaxies are observable above and below the ZOA; all are redshifted in accordance with the Hubble flow, indicating that they are receding relative to us and to each other, but the variations in their redshifts are large enough and regular enough to reveal that they are slightly drawn towards the attraction. The variations in their redshifts are known as peculiar velocities, and cover a range from about +700 km/s to −700 km/s, depending on the angular deviation from the direction to the Great Attractor.

    The Great Attractor itself is moving towards the Shapley Supercluster.[1] Recent astronomical studies by a team of South African astrophysicists revealed a supercluster of galaxies, termed the Vela Supercluster, in the Great Attractor's theorized location.[2]
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. But still none of that has any observable impact on what is happening to us on Earth, no observable impact on the environment, politics, or society. From one perspective, the galaxies are gonna quickly collide, but from the perspective of my lifetime here on earth, that is happening so slowly it may as well not be happening
  4. The Hermetic Principal of Mentalism.

    We are the universe. The universe is basically a physical projection of our consciousness, and can be influenced, by us.

    "The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism teaches that all things are created from and expand from the “mind”. They are the result of your thoughts and emotions. The more you do to get in touch with your mind and to connect it with a “greater cosmic consciousness”, the more control you will have over your life. The more control you will have over your life, the faster you will manifest what it is that you wish for yourself.

    Everything is energy or consciousness that expands into the limitless universe. Our minds, the soul and its intelligence (higher self) is connected to that universal consciousness. This universal consciousness can be described as a very large ocean with many individual drops of water (individual souls). All those individual drops are part of that ocean, but are also separate from it at the same time. So, when you connect with your higher self you are tapping into this great universal mind, or cosmic consciousness and accessing all those resources of knowledge within it."

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  5. We have about as much impact on the universe as one grain of sand has in the ocean. We've already ruined the earth, it will be a much better place w/o humans.
  6. LOL I got it, IF ya cant see it It not happening.

    So earth and everything in the universe is moving toward a cluster of planets at close to speed of light and has no impact on anything in the Universe ? LOL Wait untill we get there and say the same thing .LOL
  7. a grain of sand has no impact on the ocean and the ocean has no noticeable impact from the perspective of the grain of sand. As you said, we do have a significant impact on the earth. not a good impact, but a significant one. and from the perspective of us, as beings who will never leave earth, the impact on the earth is more significant than the impact on the cosmos
  8. we won't get there in my lifetime. from the perspective of a human life, the movements of the galaxies have no impact on our lives
  9. Exactly, unless we exponentially increase our ability to travel between planets, we have zero impact on the universe...
  10. but why is impact on the universe your measure of significance? I agree we have no impact on the universe, I'm arguing that it is not meaningful to measure our impact on the universe, significance should be defined by impact on society around us, the part of the universe affecting our everyday lives and interactions. why is impact on the universe the measure of importance? how does whether we reach the edges of the galaxy impact our lives on earth? the wider universe has no significance to our lives
  11. WE have a impact on everything we come in contact..
    Just look at the junk we send to space . NO impact LOL
    Space junk hit the International Space Station, damaging a robotic arm | CNN

    Sure had a impact on the space station .
    Or that doesn't count ?
  12. So you're saying we do have an impact on the vast empty space? I'm commenting on people who say we are insignificant because everything is insignificant if you raise the bar high enough. of course we don't have a noticeable impact form the perspective of impact on the entirety of the cosmos
  13. I may have come across wrong, I don't measure significance as how we impact the universe. I think mankind has had very little positive impact on anything except that which benefits us. We've had a horrible impact on the environment and the world, even looking at space around earth, there are tens of thousands of active and deactivated satellites littering near space.

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