People abusing the "like" button

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by DutchX5, Jan 29, 2011.

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  1. In a lot of threads there's usually one person who likes every single post. It's pretty annoying to say the least, and it kind of defeats the purpose of having a like button in the first place.

    Maybe we should have a system where you can only like x amount of posts in a thread/page?
  2. I just thought Id mention again that people are also liking posts they dont really like, just to be smart asses.

  3. Yeah I don't want to name names but there are a few members that are really making it their day job to like every post in every thread.
  4. Oh don't be a killjoy.
  5. It's almost as if those people are trying to get it shut down. ;)


  6. You really find it fun to go through and like every post? I'm just saying, it completely defeats the purpose of having a like button in the first place.

    And FenceWalker, yeah I think that's their way of protesting against it.
  7. Okay now, I've given out less than 15 likes. It's pretty obvious I'm selective about what I like. ;)

    And I see what you're saying, but the difference is that I just don't care. Let it go.
  8. inb4 someone likes every post in this thread
  9. its just a forum people,
    for stoners:D
    with lots of great personalities, we cant all "like" the same thing, its only the internet.
  10. I don't really see how it's abusive. I'm sorry...just not seeing it. I think it's all ok. We're stoners and can deal with people liking posts. ;)
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