Penis straws

Discussion in 'General' started by Madrid, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. what? i tried searching around to see if its some sort of inside joke on this forum. At the bottom of the search where it has the most popular searches and the bigger the font is the more times it is searched over and over again.. well wtf lol go check for yourself on the search page
  2. Haha, yeah, we're all aware of the mysterious Penis Straws...

  3. what the fuck? lol thats crazy random. never noticed that
  4. this is probably the 20th thread asking about penis straws
  5. #5 HolyxXCrapp, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009
  6. lol, i noticed that too
  7. How come penis bong isn't listed?

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