pellet germ

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by budpuffer, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Ello GC

    Just started germ
    1x NL

    1 Question i used the pellet kits

    Do i need to keep these in the dark until sprout? or should i hang a CFL over it at this moment?
  2. They don't need much light before sprouting but I keep some syran wrap and light over mine, more for the heat the light generates for humidity than the light itself at that stage.
  3. i just have the humidity dome on top and put a daylight cfl over it at the moment, hopefully i shal see something one of these days:smoking:

    Im guessing the CFL will do fine or not any harm that is, i wish i would of just paper toweld them....:cool:

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