Peggle, ultimate stoner game

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by nat8754, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Anyone else agree?

    I used to just get blazed to the point where I play this game and feel like it was trying to tell me something about myself. Almost like there were Peggle gods trying to communicate to me through the game.
    Haha good times..
  2. I love peggle! this game rules when stoned
  3. What is this for? iPhone I'm guessing?
  4. I love Peggle. I have it on PC and iOS.
  5. Yeah man! Peggie on xbox
  6. I bought it in Xbox arcade but it's on. IOS and pc too
  7. My wife grounded me from Peggle. To be fair it's really not all that fun to watch if you're not blazed.
  8. Peggle is fucking winning!

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