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Pee Test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bamblacha, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I need to know how long it will take for my piss to be clean for a pee test.

    So I have been smoking for about 6 months, everyday, probably about a 30 a day at the very least to a ounce on some occasions. I stopped about a week ago but then smoked again two days ago. I have been drinking tons of water for the past two days and will continue to so. I weigh 155 and I am 6' 4" so very little body fat. Does anyone have any idea how long it will take before I would be clean for a pee test? This will be for a job interview if thats important. :wave:
  2. If you smoked everyday for six months, then stopped for a week you should be good in about two weeks if its not a hair test. Just drink 2-3 litres a day and exercise a lot.
  3. I stopped for a week but then ended up smoking a dub a few days ago. Is that going to make a big difference in how long it will take? Like was the week pretty much wasted and I have to start all over? or is it no biggie?
  4. idk...

  5. Id wait a month. Be sure to excercise and drink a lot of water as well.

    And yes, smoking that dub made a difference.

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