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Peat pellets to start...then Rockwool cubes?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by 13pointsOfLight, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. If peat pellets were use as a starter medium(instead of 1"rockcube), could one then put the seedling into a rockwool cube on a drip system without any adverse effects?
  2. using a peat pellet in a hydro system isnt really good, its ok i guess as long as you dont use submersable pumps, but when it breaks down its gonna raise your ph their a little acidic i think, but it will eventualy stabalize i tried it in a waterfarm bucket once. just stay on top of the ph, and use just one theres no need for twothat may actualy hold to much water, im not sure though. just my experiences good luck.

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