Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hank Scorpio, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud[/ame]

    Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud. See my work in progress, let me know what you think. Eventually it will have sounds, voice and music.
  2. The video's still buffing - but seriously, peak oil is a fraud? I don't mean 'peak oil' as the term used to justify those ridiculous predictions thrown about, I mean 'peak oil' as a concept... that our supply of oil is finite and we will sooner or later drill it all out of existence. I don't know if you're trying to deny this as 'being a fraud', but if you are... then I believe I just may be tempted to lol
  3. HALT! Here's a quote from your site that dispels entirely what I just said

    Bang on, hemp is probably the biggest solution there is to the problem, and it's staring us in the face - your vid captures that nicely, contrasting oil degradation with cannabis etc. There are so many other potential sources of energy available too, and they all link back to that great, eternal giver of energy... the sun.

    Anyhow, I dig the vid, it'll be interesting to see how it all works out with the voice overdubs, music and whatnot... :smoke:
  4. The idea that we can sustain ourselves forever on fossil fuels is a fraud.

    However, there are lots of alternative energies available, and I hope that we can learn to harness them in a responsible way. Hemp FTW :hello:
  5. Peak oil in a world wide recession (more like a depression)? Ain't gonna happen.

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