Wtf happened to the peace in this forum(S&P), I couldve sworn, that for awhile people were minding their own business, and only entering threads that had subjects they were interested in, now these people are starting flame wars, and having a ball. I will respect your beliefs, no matter what, you can at least respect mine. And keep the damn peace. Don't enter this thread, unless you agree, im not subscribing to this thread, because I know fuckers want to argue, I'll just ignore your ass.
Very true brother Why can't we all just get along? So we believe different things, so what? We should love every blade on here for who they are learn from one another. I for one vote to restore peace in S&P! - peace, joy, love, and light
Everyone has their own opinion, we all know this, but It's our natural instincts to fight and to get shove ours down others throats. It's probably due to our egos. It's really a tragedy that we have to get our thoughts across moreso rather than place them for consideration and to weigh them with other peoples and see which feels right to you through your utmost reason and logic, and keep building on this. But we will always let our egos and animalistic parts of us take more control. Until this stops, we'll just remain at our current state.
I agree, but you have to realize that it isn't our nature to fight. The environement around us from the day we are born to this very day shapes the ego. The ego is the only thing that becomes conditioned. If you were born and raised perfectly from day one and you never experienced emotional pain because your evirmoment was so perfect you would be a very, very loving person. You would have no desire to fight, argue, be mean, etc. All of those things are from the ego. If there is nothing but love in your life, than you will remain as your true self. A big factor that also comes Ono play is that whenever you experience pain, the astral body crystallizes which further separates you from your lightbody (higher self) but I know not wetting believes in that stuff so I'll leave that out of my point. Btw im not arguing lol just sharing ideas peacefully. . This is the peace thread - peace, joy, love, and light