peace on earth

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by smokinAspliff, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. peace on earth...right now or i'll cut you

    hope you agree that gangs are bad.
    they kill people for coming on to there turf.

    they kill people for being in another gang.(just becuase they support a different area of land)

    and if you were to ask me....all gangs should be..not fighting..but working together! for the good of humanity!

    well,what im trying to get at is... countries are just big gangs.

    and we need to put our differences aside.and work as a planet...not as peices of the planet, that if you were to put these peices together...its just a confusing mess..

    but this shall never happen, becuase people are too dumb to realize!
  2. It's not that people are too stuppid, it's because we're not all the same. Not everybody can agree on things, and some people are made stronger, smarter, better liars, etc. Those people rise, while others fall in society. Difference is what creates confrontation. Because of that peace is an impossible idea.
  3. If you can find a wildlife sanctuary some place, to be at one with nature, then you are at peace on earth.
  4. There cant be peace on earth. We would all die from starvation and/ or boredomn.
  5. i vote to make an island nation full of stoners
  6. Peace is not impossible. We are working towards it all the time. We have so much in common. Life has so much beauty, and it's available for all of us. We already have the same ideals, we just need to realize it and think about the implications.
  7. #7 clos3tgrow3r, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2010
    the only way humans as a species will achieve peace is through extinction, brave new world government:mad:, or absolute enlightenment...dont wanna be a pessimist but i see enlightenment as the least likely:(

    you can take the ape out of the jungle but you cant take the ape out of man...without totalitarianism or genetic modification

    Opening quote to McCarthy's Blood Meridian
  8. Basically said it all.
    If life teaches you one lesson repeatedly it's that people are fucking stupid.
  9. What if they get the munchies and start eating each other?!?!?!
  10. you should reallyyyyy watch "Humboldt county"
  11. i bet they'd talk about doing that but never get around to it
  12. the only people that shld be alive are hippies, amish, indians...people like that....
  13. Na, all you have to do, is get educated on survival tactics, learn about nature, wildlife. Maybe, go on diet, and work out good, before you dive into it. Turn theory into action, and enjoy nature.
  14. As long as there's individuality, peace among us is impossible. Who we associate with is only one problem.

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