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PC micro grow. first timer. need help.

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by NeO247, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. hey GC. i am building a PC case grow box and i wanted to share my design plan and i would like any help. i attached pics so you guys can see where im at now and get an idea of what im goin for. i am going to use bagseed and just one plant for now.

    at the bottom right i have two 80mm intake fans. they will each have their own carbon filters. but im very worried because they are very loud... they are connected to a 12 volt adapter. but i might just use a 9volt battery as the source to slow the fan speed and lower the noise.

    top left i am doing the PSU to surge protector thing. that hanging PSU casing will be cut off soon. i used the following guide, but not completed yet:

    the rest of my plans consist of the following:

    insides covered in Mylar
    a single 80mm exhaust fan under the PSU...again, with a carbon filter.
    the surge protector will be mounted either at the top or on the side of one of the doors (but i have no idea how i would mount this)
    to that power strip i will have two 23 or 28 watt CFLs.
    i am also getting a timer for the lights and will do the 12/12 from seedling method along with LST to keep the plant small.

    that covers it..i wouldnt doubt if there is alot wrong with this design. i tried reading as much as i can on here and icmag but there is alot of stuff to soak in.

    right now the two intake fans are connected by using this tutorial:

    i will be making the micro carbon scrubbers from this tutorial:
    micro carbon scrubber - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums
    i hope two will fit side by side attached to the intake fans. but i might just make one filter that is rectangular then a circular one over the single 80mm exhaust

    i dont think i will have trouble covering the case insides with mylar. i guess ill just use duct tape to secure it??

    any help or suggestions would be very helpful and appreciated

    Attached Files:

  2. nice man good luck on your grow im just starting my new pc grow box, i will be growing white rhino what are you going to be growing,
  3. Your growing white rino in a pc case? You going to do some serious LST on it or something?
  4. I like the grow, it looks a bit nicer than mine but I have a 65 Watt cfl for my light. Have you started to make the carbon scrubber yet? Im wondering how hard it is going to be to find activated carbon by me.
  5. Lookin good! I just finished my PC build, if you have any questions or need some help feel free to PM me or post it in my thread. The threads in my signature :wave: Good look with everything

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