Day 2 in "Home made" dirt balls wrapped in paper towel in "Home made" PC grow box. There are 4 seedlings in a plastic bowl on top of some porous rocks with water beneath. The dirt balls are paper towels with a little handful of dirt that I tied up using sandwich bag twisty ties. I poked a hole in the "top" for the seedling to go in to. The paper towel has a "tail" that goes in to the water beneath the rocks to keep the dirt wet. Plastic wrap being held up by a straw that is bent and under the rocks for support. I bet im gonna get flak for posting these but w/e I think it needs to be documented for explanation of why not to do things. I dont need to hide the plants in any way but Im going to keep them in the pc case the entire time for demonstration purposes. Hypothesis- Paper towels will start to mold and plants will end up dying. How to counteract - (in theory) Take the paper towels off after 5? days and whatever the root structure is like transplant in to other container. Start flowering at 5 days after transplant and hope for female. I will be filling the holes and adding a fan once they are done in the "dome" IDK still high.... woot! pics here --------------
day 3 in the pc tower is doing good. I have noticed some growth on the little sproutlings. Tryed to take a time lapse of them last night but i guess someone called and turned the timelapse off. I will try again tonight with the mobile setting turned off. (wont let cellphone accept calls or emails) I am using my phone to take the time lapse (HTC evo) and the app i use is called tina time-lapse (free from android market) and its the only one I have found that auto adjusts after each pic. I have used vignette(pro), time lapse lite , and lapse it but after each picture is taken it WONT focus. If anyone has had a better experience with time lapse for android phones please let me know. I will be posting the footage tomorrow. Thanks for reading and have a super high day!
Also, if someone could tell me why I dont see MY post when I hit "New Posts" at the top of the page I would apprieciate it. I know it has a delay of around 8 mins, but I search through a few pages and still dont see MY post. any help apprieciated.
Theyre random seeds I'm assuming? So are you planning on growing through to a harvest or are you just messing around with them to see what they can survive?
yea just random bagseed. I guess you could say "Stress Testing" them. Kind of showing what not to do. Thanks for checking it out. Keep an eye on them and see what happens
still day 3- update pics- click on images to enlarge!! added some new water and emptied the old out. ran some water over the dirt balls. you can see in the pic how the paper towel acts like a wick, where it draws water from below the rocks. i dont think it would matter if it had a wick or not because the rocks are so porous they keep water in them, which in return wets the paper towel which wets the soil. I still stand by my original hypothesis. I think they will start to mold. The three tall ones all had root structures when i put them in to the balls. The little tiny one broke off its little roots when i was putting it in there. I am going to see if he will grow some since its humid and wet (my hypothesis is observationally no but inquisitive yes) (i like talking like a scientist and putting things in parentheses give it a try)
lookin good bro, haven't really seen alot of pc grows so this is gonna be kinda cool to keep tabs on. =))