PC Grow Box!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mahoney5693, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. hey guys I have been thinking about making a PC grow box for awhile now.And have finally thought about doing so.I still live with my parents so I will need to make sure that I can get away with this.I just was wondering if you guys had any advice from previous grows or close encounters with parents that will help me so no slip ups will be made.So here is where I come from....my room is on the second floor of my house and my fathers room is right down the hall but he never comes in my room. I would be leaving this pc box in my closet and will be using the internal fans for ventilation.I just wanted to get some advice from you guys on what type of lights to install along with what type of soil to use,and what to use for installation and what seeds would be best for a pc grow thanks!
  2. the advise most people will tell you is DONT GROW in your parents house if they dont know its not fair on them if anything happens like your door getting kicked in they will get in the shit as well as you brov
  3. I can give no advice on building one but I've brought one and the hardest thing to do is get rid of the extra light it comes out the front of my case ill have to pick up foil tape for that.but smell is another thing I grew in mycloset and kept it to a minimal so I'm sure I can with this.

  4. my door will not get kicked in....pc grow box lol and I will only be having 1 plant at a time and I will not be distributing- its all for myself....I do not abuse marijuana it is simply my lifestyle and it is a hobby I will have forever and money is tight making this something that needs to be made and kept down low which I hopefully can.

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