The fans hanging at the top were a spur the moment idea incase i decide to use this case just for vegin, if i do il be putting more plants and bulbs in, hence the fans to keep it cool (if your woundering, i found those fans at the dollar store, they work almost as good as a cpu fan, can be hooked up to 9v adapter.. im open to light suggestions, i would like to mix my lighting as it apparently makes better growth. (Please help) as for nutes, i really dont want to order some crazy shit off the net for my first grow, a suggestion i can pick up at my local greenhouse/hardware store would be great (i know it would need to be a much weaker dose) ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE APPRECIATED.. Also im just Germinating 3 seeds right now (all 3 have a very small root already) and il be buying seeds soon, so im open to suggestions on that too, preferibly something with a decently short growtime, or a longer grow time for a better yeild. Thanks, BluntTokes
Honestly having more fans in the case wouldnt really cool it down. It would push the already hot air around. You would need more outtake fans.
I was going to mount them under the fans until the plants are big enough, but i might just cut open some of the shiny material on the top front and place a fan or two there. ( theres room for the fan to breathe from the outside there without light being seen).