PC Grow 90w 2 plants 3 weeks into flower bagseed

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by nota, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 nota, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    So i joined a while back, did alot of reading and did the best i could with the least amount of $ invested. I took some short cuts here and there, and spent more money in places i didnt need to. However, for future grow case setups, i feel i could confidently build one for under $100.

    My total expenses on my setup was $167. I dont want to break down all the prices, but it included a oc tower, 2 power strips, 23w light bulbs, and 30w light bulbs, a timer, silver reflective tape, and lots of hands on time making it right. Drilling holes, using zip ties instead of magnets to hold the power strip in place.......what else.....ac adapters. I ruined 2 in the house just figuring out how to do it properly......it was a fun process.

    So instead of posting a beginning to end, and getting reamed by half the community, ill post pics of my current progress, and you tell me what you think, and maybe areas i could improve.

    I ran into a gnat, fly problem as soon as i started. Most likely from the soil i used. I bought some sand, and some sticky paper paper and it took care of the problem.

    Setup: PC Case 20" tall, dunno how wide. Standard size.
    Has 2 (3 speed) fans, low medium and high. Intake is in the front, exhaust is right above the lights pulling out the heat. Thermostats reads coinstantly 86-88degrees lights on, and about and low as 68 at night lights off.

    Soil : Miracle Grow Organic Soil (i know, like i said im on a budget, its bagseed and this is more trial and error)

    Nutes : Tiger Bloom - feeding with nutes every other watering. Will stop nuting at the end of next week, and go pure water rest of the way.

    Seeds : i recieved 4 random seeds from a friend. 2 were claimed to be White White, the other 2 were "heady" seeds as he put it. I germed 2, hoping for 1 female. Both turned out to be female....... So 2 weeks of vegging late, and 3 weeks of flowering this is where im at.

    Feedback is appreciated, but please keep criticizing to a low, its bad for my depression ;)

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  2. Also, i did some good LST work on the one with lots of tops. In the beginning, she was the weakest looking one, so i topped her and left the other to go full bloom. Eben with lsting that one, she never really sprouted out like the other. Sim im guessing 2 different strains for sure, but the small penis looking one reminds me of an auto flowering type seed.

  3. Looking Good man , what lights u using ? Sorry I didn't read the whole thread - I'm lazy , Stoned & just like looking at pics lol ... So if u wouldnt mind telling me ,, Cheers

    Are these auto flowering strains , Or have you switched 12/12 very early ? They nice & small , which Is good for a Pc grow box - When It starts outgrowing your space , Its time to worry

    but you seem to have plenty of room for those colas to grow ... How long you got left untill you harvest or have you not predicted yet?
  4. #4 shug_knight, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Great Pics dude! I'm a new grower myself, but man you're plants look great!

    Congrats on the females! I have a bunch of bag seeds myself, so hoping 1 or more are females.

    Do you have any worry about the smell?

    Also like you, my first grow box, was very trial and error. Luckily for me, I had a bunch of computer parts so it made it a little bit cheaper. I spent about $50 on my first build.

    Now on my second build, all I'll really need is about $20-$30.

    Now I'm just hoping for a successful grow! :)

    nevermind.. i'm stoned!! haha
  5. #5 I Love GC, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
  6. I've been reading about this too GC. I heard temps on the lower side (70-72f) also produce more females.

    If this is true, I plan on getting a bigger pot! :smoke: What size is best for a PC grow?
  7. To be honest you can't use a big pot ( 5litre ) In a pc .. It will fill the pc case

    where is with a cardboard box you can cut a hole in the bottom & fit a 5 litre pot nicely ; ] something to consider when choosing Cardboard over stripping a pc tower all day lol

    another thing Is a cardboard box can be made bigger , simply with some duct tape & another box ....

  8. Its my first grow, so i LST'ed the big wide one, and topped it.

    The other, i LST'ed once, then it just started showing signs of flowering. I have the baby bigs....from the beginning she was a small bush, and the other was a tall looking tree like thing lol.

    Bulbs were 23w x 3 for veg, and 30w x 3 for flowering.

    To keep them small, i only vegged for about 3 weeks from seed to 12/12.

    Im guessing i got 3-4 weeks left. I hope to see the nugs start expanding as most are tall and thing atm.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  9. I think the seeds may not be......name brand lol

    No smell atm. I stick my nose right upto the buds and dont catch anything but a fresh plant being grown. Im not expecting any skunk, and im happy theres not much smell as its easier to mask.

    But i do have a great ventalation system....as i said, the exhaust fan is above the lights, so i routed the exhaust into the attic :)

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  10. Very nice! You should also try a carbon filter if the smell gets bad. I'm making two now for about $15 total.
  11. Would you mind pm;ing me your how to list and supplies? I have a friend who has clones of some reallllllly nice stuff, but its skunky and dont want to risk it.

    If the carbon filter works wonders, i may be able to give it a try.

    He told me i could harvest twice as much off 1 of his clones then im going to with these 2 :eek:

  12. so i am guessing the reason you did a pc grow was for stealth. that way if someone came in your room it looked like a pc. So did the whole stealth idea go out the door when you added that giant venting duct to the addict? how sketch lol. anyways looks great i am hoping to do excactly what you are doing. small plants with colas. but in a rubbermaid box. goodluck at harvest time.:D

  13. My main concern was the smell, having the ability to vent it to the attic was just another bonus.

    When people come over, usuallyin the evening the lights are out, and i can replace that top piece witht he ducting with the standard one like it was never there.

    In fact, the whole thing is plug and play. I could put it in my car :p

  14. If your buying the clones off him , he's bound to tell you something like It will produce more than you are on these plants ... ;] - He's not going to tell you that his clones are going to produce less than yours is he

    I think your plants loook nice man , I think they have a few more weeks to go

    What do you think ?
  15. Hes offering the clones for free, its not like hes trying to get over on me, hes a friend. Ive seen his clones grow, but im also restricted by height, while hes not. But, who knows, every straight is different.

    He looked at my plants yesterday, and guessed theyre about 3 weeks ago from chopping.
  16. Yh I understand man , still
    ;] 3 weeks , I'll look forward to the harvest pic's ...:bongin:
  17. New pics for everyone, grabbed the wifes camera instead of my camera phone for a little more high quality shots.

    Any comments?

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  18. Nice grow and the buds are lookin nice! definately wanna see how this turns out!!
  19. Couple updated pics

    about 1 week from harvest.

    Any suggestions on flushing?

    Do i really just run about a gallon of water through each plant?

    Should i do this when they need water, as opposed to doing to today, after a nice feeding yesterday?

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  20. Very nice grow man, I've enjoyed the post. I plan on doing the same thing with my first indoor grow. Almost have my grow box completed.

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