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Payback amongst friends?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dantrona, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hey all, So. I need your opinions.

    Your friend and you have been smoking almost every day for a year, your friend supplies all the weed and doesn't say anything about it. Say, 3 months ago she says "You owe me $400 for all of last year" Without mentioning it at all in any of the time. The person doesn't sell it, doesn't buy it, this person gets it for free. What do you think? Being fair? Not being fair? Should I pay up or should I not?

    I leave my wallet in your hands.
  2. in no way faire if you were my buddy you would know how i am i smoke up everyone and dont ask for cash unless i am low on cash and want to get a new bag
  3. It is fair if he/she gives you warning and actually pays for it, but in that situation it would be like the people at Costco suddenly sending you a bill for all the free samples that you ate.
  4. Nah dude.
    I don't think its right.
    Maybe work something out with her, buy her a new piece or something, but if she didn't tell you she wanted money right away, and she doesn't pay for it herself, it doesn't seem right.

    See what you can figure out, make sure to talk it over.
    Sounds like a lame thing to lose a friendship over.
  5. Fuck, if I may, that shit
  6. I was given a warning at the beginning of January that I have to pay $200 by the end of February. Mind you at the time this person didn't sell any, and only smoked it to themselves and their friends. This person is getting tight on money and has started selling.
  7. Id say negotiate some sorta deal with her, offer her like 200 now and 200 latur. Dont be skimpy, cuz I know id get annoyed if someone was smoking my weed everyday for a year.. and Im pretty sure she would too =x
  8. i believe the phrase is 'go fuck yourself'

    or maybe its 'go to hell'?

    im a little foggy atm
  9. I'll mull this over in my head while I rip a few off my favorite bong.
  10. You obviously didn't read the whole post properly, the person who smoked him out does not pay for their weed.
  11. hell i pay for a quad and smoke up an 8th of it and dont ask for anything but tommorow i will have to say no to my crew becuse i am broke lol
  12. maybe hes deep into gay prostitution heroin debt like julian in less than zero. not that it would justify paying him but its just something to think about. because it happens.
  13. lol above plus rep yes i hit 1000 posts lol
  14. plus rep for a thousand posts. later. if i dont forget.
  15. So far,

    Don't Pay: 5
    Pay Up: 1
  16. Don't even count that one, the guy thought the person who smoked you out paid for her weed.
  17. :laughing: hahahah this is a funny joke... right?
  18. thats pretty fucking ridiculous man

    fuuuuuuck that
  19. Sadly, not a joke.
  20. pump this fool. remember pulp fiction? marsellus? the gimp? you remember.

    i was watching this prison doc, theis dude named jdog was being interviewd from inside the hole, and he was talking about how dudes walking around with their chest out have been pumped. and stone cold killers have been pumped bc you cant fight off every dude everytime or something.

    anyway pump this fuckin asshole. or get someone to do it. i'll pump him. no homo.

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