So awhile back I went to a pawnshop trying to sell my psp and games. They asked for my social security, I didn't feel comfortable giving it to them so I walked away. Is it mandatory for you to give them your ss. I want to go and sell this shr for some quick cash but I still don't feel comfortable giving up my ss number that easily
[quote name='"Chrismittty"']Yeah pretty sure its mandatory, and its quite likely they'll get a thumb print too.[/quote] Thumb print why?
[quote name='"thesavagepony"']sO IF YOU DO ANYHTING, GET YOUR THUMB[/quote] damn you're fucked up aren't you
Yeah in some areas you need SS number to be submited through the local police department. Confused me until I looked it up because our pawn shops only need a photo ID and thumb print. We do have state ID's and licenses that are like SS cards though. I still wouldn't give my SS number to a shady pawn store. And since your selling games you really can't go to a gold broker for a safer option.... Oh well.
Here in my state they do it for another form of I.D incase the b/s is stolen and whatnot. Might not where you are but it seems common.
Yes, it is quite normal. My family owns 2 pawn shops. Our computers needed a SSN to process a transaction, because the local PD's required it. Normally, it is so stolen goods can be traced, if the need arises. They also have to hold all pawns 30 days after the ticket expires, while it is processed and checked to see if it is reported stolen. During the 3 years I worked there, we had quite a bit of stolen goods come in. One time a really young guy wearing DGK and a LRG and all that shit came in with a Mac computer that said "property of such and such unified school district." I was like, really dude... Didn't even take the sticker off? I asked him to turn it on and he couldn't figure that out, because the power button was on the back. He kept saying he bought it at an yardsale. I called the PD, they ran it, came up clean, but we still had to take down his SSN, as a precaution. The school district later reported it stolen, he was arrested. It's just a CYA kinda thing.
In Calif. no Soc. Sec. required & I wouldn't give it to them anyway. Drivers license should be enough. If they ask for your soc. sec. number ask for theirs. I've done that in the past but for some reason no one seems to think that's funny, but they think it's OK for me to hand out my SSN number Cheers
So, they are businesses that are used to clean illegally obtained funds? Hmm, I woulda thought I would know if my family was all criminals
I don't get why people still go to pawn stores? They're obviously not going to give you as much because they have to resell it. OR you could go on Ebay, craigslist, Amazon, etc. and sell it right to a person for retail price.
Damn... I would've wanted in on that shit! What bastards, keeping all that money from me Ha, nah, but in reality, they aren't very profitable. A few years ago, I would of said they make bank. Now my cousin, the owner, had something like, I think she said it was $30,000 out in stuff they bought/ had pawned to them, and only like $45,000 in purchases. That was over almost a month, so after paying every one their wages, they had like $5,500 in profit, over a month, for her and her husband. That's only $2750 each, before taxes and the fees they had to pay. It ended up were they were at like $4,000 a month for their salaries. I make more than this working a straight 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. 12 hr shift, 4 days a week. Now when people had money to spend, they were at like $12,000 a month of profit, after everything was taken out. They've had to fire 2 people already, when they started with 5 employees.
I hate giving out my SSN..i feel like somebody could just jot the shit down and take out a credit card in my name or some shit
Because a lot of people, just want to pawn, then get it back later. We had one guy pawn a gun when the store first opened, 17 years ago, and he stills pay for pawn tickets. No idea why, he renews the ticket every 2 months, though, 1 day before it's due, and pays a 17% interest fee. He's lost probably $3,500 on that gun, that's worth like a few hundred. We get almost no one coming in for straight across sells, besides guns. Also, because if you need the money right now, we are almost always willing to put an offer in, versus having to wait for a potential buyer.
[quote name='"weedandtubes"'] Because a lot of people, just want to pawn, then get it back later. We had one guy pawn a gun when the store first opened, 17 years ago, and he stills pay for pawn tickets. No idea why, he renews the ticket every 2 months, though, 1 day before it's due, and pays a 17% interest fee. He's lost probably $3,500 on that gun, that's worth like a few hundred. We get almost no one coming in for straight across sells, besides guns. Also, because if you need the money right now, we are almost always willing to put an offer in, versus having to wait for a potential buyer.[/quote] Good point with the pawn but still anybody selling it would get a better price somewhere else. Out of curiosity could you give me a rough estimate on what percent pawns there stuff but then can't make payments on it?