pathetic set up - need advice ?!?!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by revaer, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. hey, ive just completed germination ( soaked seeds over night and placed them on moist tissue paper)

    i Rockwooled some and planted in cocopearl lite in others, i waited until the 1st four leaves to appear (without humidity dome) and placed them in a dodgey wardrobe 780mm under a 600watt. the temp is at 30 degrees with 3 fans running. im using a spay bottle and misting the tops of soil every couple of hours. After a few days i have disposed of a few due to wilting, going yellow and drying up. im waiting on getting a 1.2x1.2x2 tent, is this going to make a difference??

    i cant be fucked doing the whole "trial and error" thing so any help would be sweet
  2. #2 VeoDigital, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    You said you rockwooled some and planted in coco/perlite... but then say you are misting the tops of the soil every couple of hours... so which is it, are you in soil or soiless? If you are in coco or rockwool now, you need to treat it has hydro and feed with every watering. After germinating you have about 10-14 days where they won't require any feedings, just plain water. Start at a reduced strength feedings and work your way up. Also you said you killed off a few because they were drying out, you need to get your humidity up. Since your setup is ghetto, hang a damp towel and put a fan in your grow space to help humidity. Could also get a cheap humidifier.
  3. I put plastic wrap over my pots when they are starting out during the dry season to help with the humidity lvls
    Also if you have 2 or more leaf sets they may be hungry causing the yellowing from the lower set to the top
    PH, over watering, over/under feeding, temp, humidity are the issues you face imo
    Check them out fast
  4. i set the ph to 7 and when i said "misting" i ment water by hand useing a spray bottle, to make sure meduim is evenly moist (fresh water, maybe that is the problem pmsl) as they are only a week old. Humidity is at 40% and at 30 degrees temp.

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