Patents for AIDS and Cure for AIDS

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by sourApple408, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. someone sent me this in an Email not sure what to think

    Google Patents

    Patent for the cure for aids. 5676977

    Patent for the virus. 4647773

    Pass it on...
  2. It doesn't always have to work to have it patented. I did think the patent on the virus itself was a lil odd, but did a lil digging. It's held by the guy who discovered it. I think it was 2 people and there seems to be a lil confusion as to which one did the most discovering, but the guy that got the patent probably just did it to try and say he was the one. Don't know if true, but probably why he did it? Unless there is a reason and this dude is making bank every time a company does anything with AIDS, that'd be fucked up.
  3. that "cure" is the same compound that is also used in a patent to treat "skin conditions". Compound being tetrasilver tetroxide.

    I'm fairly sure from reading them that they are general patents. As in the compound can be used for many different things so they just go down the line and get a patent for every use they can think of. Notice there is one for treating water, skin conditions, disinfection amongst a lot of others.

    As for the second, it looks like that is just a patent for the method of producing a lot of them. As in for research, yea companies even make money off producing something for the sake of researching it (they need the virus to test their drugs out on).

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