Pat Robertson blames 'pact with the devil' for Haiti earthquake

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by Deleted member 133001, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. sigh.. :smoking:

    [ame=]YouTube - Pat Robertson - Haiti's Pact w/ Devil Created Earthquake[/ame]
  2. They made a pact with the devil? How does he know?

    -sigh- that old man...I've been seeing him around since I was tiny. Wtf is he still doing around? I hope no one sends money to his fucking relief thing. There are other programs out there that will send the money to Haiti. I don't trust Pat.
  3. I made a pact with the devil, and things are awesome. They call him the light bearer for a reason, light=knowledge.
  4. So Pat Robertson is saying that the only successful slave revolution in the history of the world was only successful because they made a pact with the devil?

    Doesn't that sound like closet racism?

    "Sigh..." Thats the only response I can think of
  5. oh brother......:mad:
  6. For a second I thought it said Robert Pattinson...
  7. Shocking! Guy who says outrageous things for attention says something outrageous!

    In other news, dog bites man, cat in tree, footage at 11.
  8. I watched up until he said "pact with the devil".

    It is at this point I will exit the thread, content in knowing he will soon be dead.
  9. [​IMG]

    And Keith Olbermann totally [ame=""]pwn'd him[/ame].
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  10. Im not gunna lie. i think he could be right. they are Voodoo people over there and how come we dont see the videos of them burning American flags BEFORE the earthquake?
  11. I'm sure they aren't the only country torching our flag. I'm also pretty sure they aren't the only country where people practice voodoo too. Natural disasters happen naturally, not by a spiritual force.
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  12. Hahahahahahahahahaha.

    Oh man.
  13. Cause God sends down earthquakes when America's flag gets torched.
  14. God bless the US of A. Hell yeah.

  15. Oh rry?
  16. Lmao seriously right....I think he made a pact with the devil since he's been 70 for like 10 years.
  17. Tsk. Pat Robertson is like a sheepherder of the ignorant, blind masses who refuse to think for themselves. It's such a shame really -how this old fart is able to exploit people's "faith" and use it to control them. Sigh, indeed. This man would be the devil, himself, if he ever existed.

  18. Apparently some people weren't aware.

  19. I completely agree. Someone has to be the lead moron though right? :D
  20. This fuckin guy.:rolleyes:

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