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Past Tense of Wake and Bake

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by J Dylan, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. haha i love this thread

    i always said woke and boke...just cause it was funny
  2. woke and boke ftw!!

    i always called it that, im glad to see im not the only one :D
  3. Bahaha I love woke and boke, hilarious. Woke and toke is nice and official though, good ring to it.

    Smoke on brothas.
  4. The past tense of wake = woke
    The past tense of bake = baked

    Woke and Baked.. personally I think woke and boke sounds better though :D
  5. i voted other.

    1st thing i thought of upon reading the poll's title: woke and toked.

    now i see someone else already said that... guess i agree then :smoke:
  6. let the battle between grammatical correctness and humorous twist continue!
  7. I voted wake and baked, but I wish I had voted Woke and Boke
  8. I meant to say wake and baked, but clicked the wrong one...
  9. woke and toked
  10. i just waked and baked
  11. waked and backed
  12. Woke and Toked
  13. lol... i'm pretty sure that's not right
  14. Awakened and Baconed
  15. Although it sounds funny to say "woke and baked", I think it makes the most sense grammatically. If you had woken up (past tense), you wouldn't say you "waked up", but rather "woke up". I think baked pretty much explains itself.

    woke and baked ftw!
  16. Im throwing grammar out the window here. I'm going with "woke and Boke"
  17. id usually say "we did A wake 'n bake
  18. I LOVE WOKE AND TOKE. :smoke:
  19. hah me and my friend had this exact conversation and ended up agreeing on "woke and boke".
  20. Awoke and baked is the term I would use if I wanted to be proper. Funny thread by the way.

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