For those like me who believe in reincarnation have you ever thought what it would be like to do a past life regression while high? I think it would intensify the experience. I want to find a good hypnotherapist. Then I would smoke a bowl and see where it takes me. Soon I will be trying to access my akashic records while meditating. Can't wait for the experiences in the future.
I'd really like to try it. According to those past life generator things my past life was as a sorceress. muhahaha If that's true, I'm pretty curious to find out what my capabilities were with Magick.
In many cases, yes. That is why it is important to find an exceptional hypnotherapist that will not implant false memories. Plus, during the regression it is important to gather as much detailed information as possible and investigate its significance and accuracy. Though right now I'm doing this on my own. Not through self hypnosis but through astral projection / deep meditation.
I feel that through some experiences with substances that shall not be named it has permitted me to look into past lives, some frightening, others absolutely magnificent. Only time will tell.