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Passing away whilst high..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CannabisCunt, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Ive always thought just how different an experience it would be, if you were on your deathbed, a few hours left to live as your body slowly passes into either nothing or an afterlife, or if there is anything after death, you take a few hits of marijuana and naturally fade.. high :)
  2. more like you take a few hits of DMT and fade

  3. If i was about to die and I knew it I wouldn't mind saying hello to molly or something along those lines. lol
  4. impossible. you'd just live until you came off your high. then you'd die.

    moral of the story: weed extends life.
  5. Best way to die is take a shitload of shrooms and smoke a shitload of weed, so much that you don't even know what is reality anymore.
  6. dying is already the most intense high you'll ever experience.

    you cant understand all those drugs being released in your brain niggga
  7. u fuckin dumb bro? think about what u said, you could just keep smokin and always be high and live forever!
  8. I always thought of how Kurt Cobain felt with all of that heroin in his system before he blew his head off.

  9. lollolol
  10. death imminent= lucy in the sky with diamonds aldous huxley style.

  11. this.
  12. u fuckin dumb bro? think about what u said, you could just keep smokin and always be high and live forever![/QUOTE]

    :hello::hello: QFT haha

    On Topic:

    When I'm on my deathbed I hope I am high. lol. Might make the experience at least a little better.

    DMT is released in the brain when you die correct? If it is, how much is released into the brain and even if it is released when you die how long would you even experience the rush of DMT to your brain?

    Is it also true that DMT is released in the brain when your born?
  13. Congratulations, you're a fucking genius.
  14. before someone else blew his head off.
  15. haha, you're a funny one :smoke:

  16. facepalm.jpg
  17. Isn't DMT being released in your brain either way if you are dying?
    I read that its naturally occurring in the brain.
  18. that's what i'm sayin why would you want to escape the best day of your life?

  19. haah striaight FAIL!:D:rolleyes:

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