Passed quest test, u-pass 2020

Discussion in 'General' started by Southeast stoner, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. What’s up everyone, figured I’d make this post to put some peoples minds at ease. I recently passed a drug test at quest, with u pass 8.4.
    I originally had planned to use quick fix but as I went to take the test there was a problem with my paperwork and they had to pour the sample down the drain.
    They did check the temp on that sample so it gave me confidence for the next run.
    The specifics of my test are as follows: (30ko) 5sap fed (-thc) +svt. Had I know I wasn’t getting tested for weed from the get go I wouldn’t have went through the trouble of using fake pee lmao.

    Nonetheless the svt part of the test had me worried. It supposedly used to check for fake urine and also a little more costly of a test that your company can ask for. Hopefully this put your mind at ease to some extent if you have a test in recent times. Good luck on your test!
  2. Thank you for this!
  3. So when they say on your drug test paper (30KO) 5SAP FED (-THC) +SVT does that really mean they aren't testing for weed?

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