Party Of Preference

Discussion in 'Politics' started by newbkushgrower, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. #1 newbkushgrower, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
    Post your party of preference or rather your having none at all. Personally I prefer the Libertarian party, because their views are the most practical, and unrestricted liberty is the number one priority of the party. It's currently the fastest growing party because people are finally beginning to learn things such as logic and reason. Ron Paul is probably the purest and truest politician that has ever walked this earth, only in the republican party because their isn't enough support for the libertarian party yet. Wish he would run for president again, but he's getting old.
    E: I've found a better and more general phrase of what I am asking for: Preferred Political Concept(s)

  2. I support socialists economy, I don't know why people think it's so bad just cause Nazi Germany and the U.S.S.R Had it.
    Lol bring the Whig party back. I'm going in. Libertarians are alright. I believe in my own preference. As in free right to government, anyone can run, anyone can suggest an amendment, anyone can start a poll. Right now those are all difficult feats when they shouldn't have to be.
  3. In perfect world without ambition, a socialist economy would be absolutely perfect. When you have a state regulated market in this world, however, it's a downhill financial slope. Much of why the Nazi's and Russians wanted to expand is so that they controlled labor throughout as much of the world as possible so that they wouldn't be facing the same problems that the United States is facing today (such as: Large companies moving overseas for cheaper labor and lower taxes). Population is another factor in a socialist economy, countries like Sweden are capable of sustaining a moderately socialist economy, because they have a smaller population, a good educational system, and desirable living conditions. I am for a moderately unrestricted free market that encourages business growth. I am also for keeping unions strictly non-profit and only to enforce fair working conditions and pay; there shouldn't be any 'union members' because unions should standardize the work environment for 100% of the employed population for every occupation. Unions today are only present in trades that they can profit from. I also support in doing away with all of these unneeded government agencies. I would like to live in the land of the free, not the land of the regulated. 
  4. #4 newbkushgrower, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
    I like being comfortable in hating the low life far right hicks that make ignorant and aggressively retarded statements and the leaches of the far left equally. Most of the marijuana using community should support the libertarian party, as they are the only ones making progress towards national legalization without taxing the suppliers and consumers of the product to death.
  5. I support honesty, transparency, compassion, equal rights, property rights, personal individual rights, and a minimized government that stays out of everyone's way, unless someone needs to be stopped from harming someone.
    Unfortunately, none of that is realistic, although it should be, and would be feasible, if not for the stranglehold enjoyed by the establishment.
    Voting for or endorsing any particular "party" is a recipe for disaster. People need to read the fine print and realize every vote for something good, comes attached to something bad. That's the gist of how they subverted the built-in controls that were designed to protect our system from being infiltrated by the power-hungry, and exploited for their own personal gains, at our expense.
  6. I didn't mean strait up socialism. I mean like a community economics system. As in everyone has a specified job. And everyone get's services. No one in America has equal opportunity because our economics. It's not that hard to do a job. But large businesses believe that corporations can't run without low cost with just as effictive. So the best efficency. Essentially starving the people who feed them. We import more than we export. Our economy runs on other countries. Because all our money doesn't even belong to america. We're buying services, that's it. And to have services denied because they can't benefit themselves while taking away from others. Just shows how corrupt capitolism is. In a free market economy, Great depression never happens, economic classes don't exist, and large businesses can't transfer money out of our country, and taking it from the people who need it to survive. Who are the same people who built them up and made them function.
    Economics is a bitch, but debt is only promoted by the system we have now. Bartering has more value. At least a gold standard would be better. But nothing has realistic value. And if it does it never belongs to those that need it, because they're not funding the very creation of it. Broken.
  7. They're shouldn't even be parties. Saying that people have to adopt values to support a ideology they don't believe in just so they can support their country is stupid. Indivisualism should be the whole basis of government. we shouldn't have to pick what happens to us by some ideology that benefits no one in the long run. No matter what they do it either hurts us, them, or someone else.
  8. The Pizza Party.
  9. I am in the same boat as you, I don't actually believe in a party. I only believe in a viewpoint, purpose of this post were to see how many people are shifting to independent views. I closely associate those views with libertarianism, which is really more of a concept than it is a party.
  10. #10 newbkushgrower, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
    Thinking Like a true stoner. +1000 points
  11. No one person is good at everything. But people don't get the opportunity to do something that benefits themselves and the industry. Basically makes the industry succed and the people suffer. Because the industry doesn't want them if they didn't have the money to support it.
    That is where our baboon ass backwards education system comes in, ESPECIALLY at the collegiate level. I feel like this country is diverting from on the job training because companies are too afraid to take risks. So when universities have americans by their nuts and jack of tuition rates, requirements for student loans are raised in this trap of a credit system that we run. If you ask me if I would rather pay off a $100,000 dollar loan or put that money towards a only logical answer would be the house. 
  13. Haha. Funny cause when people get grants and loans the money just goes back to the same place it came from and another different place. So you owe money that's in two places now. And the only people that benefits are the same people that made you pay it. 200 thousand dollar loan to go boston University. still sittin in the seat. My whole job is doing a service for money, to benefit a company that gives out a service. Federal reserve isn't real cause the money doesn't exist. It always end up back where it came from, and the one person who loses is the middle man.
  14. I am a registered democrat but I will vote however I want at the polls.
    I like what Alice Cooper says in the song Elected.
    "If I am elected, I will introduce this nation to a new party, a 3rd party, a WILD PARTY!!! You think we have problem, I know you have problems too, and personally, I don't care!"
  15. I don't really identify with any party, but when I do vote it's usually democrat. Mostly to annoy people around here.
  16. I vote for the candidate who most accurately represents my position on the issues.
    This means, I do not consistently vote for any particular political party. My current representative is a newcomer and and is an active dissenter in the party's caucus.
    I think it's problematic to try and vote with the intention of enforcing an ideology at the macro scale. When there is an ongoing issue that I don't feel my representation is adequately responding to, I first make myself very vocal to them, and then I seek out extra-governmental charity and volunteer organizations which can help to ameliorate these issues.
    I've often found, that resigned apathy is the most potent force for disenfranchisement that exists. True leadership is derived from the community - not the representation. Representatives are your employees, and it's up to you to manage them.
  17. Votes for the purpose of trolling the political system shouldn't be counted, imo. And that should include all prohibitionists, and their representatives.
  18. Voluntarism and the Pirate Party
  19. A tax is a punishment, which is why "legalization" is still not an acceptable, permanent solution for drug markets. It is a step towards universal acceptance, but still falls short. I agree that more of the marijuana community should look into libertarian philosophy and its stance on drug use/distribution.

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