Parents treating you like an ass.

Discussion in 'General' started by yungdirtybastar, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. Well first of all I live with my Dad. He really pisses me off, always tells me things that i already know, like i forget everything I've ever learned or something. We repainted the house last year, and his dumbass used oil based primer with latex paint. I was working as a painter at the time, and he just refused to believe i had any fucking knowledge on the subject of painting. I told him "you cant use latex paint on top of oil based primer, its gonna just peel off" and of course he was like "no it'll be fine" and what do you know, after just a year of rain/sun/snow/etc. all of the spots that were primed and painted have peeled right off and it needs repainted. So i told him "fuck you, you always treat me like i'm fucking retarded, you can paint the house yourself this year for being an asshole" so he's using some regular water based primer this time.

    Just cuz the guy at fucking home depot told you to use oil based primer for the house doesn't mean you can use whatever fucking kind of paint you want. I feel very disrespected that he totally ignored my professional opinion (seeing as I was a fucking PAINTER for 3 years). Its like if i told him something he knew was absolutely wrong about dying/cutting hair (he's a barber) and then absolutely refused to believe what he said about it. It's not just that, it's all kinds of different shit. Constantly telling me things that I already know, or chiming in information about whatever on subjects that I know more about than he does. Its like he acts like just because he's older than me that he's smarter too. Theres alot of shit that were myths (such as you can get a cold from being in a cold environment) that he thinks are absolute fact that he's totally fucking wrong about.

    The reason i'm posting this is because we just got in a huge fight and I brought up the subject of how I'm treated like I caused every single problem that he's ever had, and how he treats me like i'm fucking retarded or something.

    Just needed to vent. Thanks for listening to my bullshit.
  2. Eh, hang in there man. He's still your father.. He made you, give him the utmost respect.

    I know it can be hard when your parents don't listen to you or treat you like you don't know shit... Believe me, I've been there.

    He'll come around sooner or later man just know he's your father and he loves you...
  3. Yep, me and my dad have refurbished a few houses together, painting, dry wall, flooring. I have no formal education in this, but I have done it so many times in my life. My dad STILL tried to show me what to do before we start on any room.
    Cut the drywall like this, but be careful not to....GOD DAMNIT STFU, this is already the 5th house we've refurbished together, I am 20 and I have a memory of the last 5 times I did this!
    Man my dad is annoying, only 2 months and i'll be free as a bird.
  4. who controls the past, controls the future... who controls the present, controls the past... TESTIFY!!

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