Just a little history lesson for you kids! It's about just how far our government is willing to go to prevent cannabis use! Paraquat and Pot: How the Herbicide Impacted Cannabis Legalization in the '70s (news – 2023) Paraquat and Pot: How the Herbicide Impacted Cannabis Legalization in the '70s Pesticide application (images via various sties) Upset with the predicament he's in, The Dude in The Big Lebowksi, played by Jeff Bridges, accuses the man who shares his namesake, played by Davis Huddleston: "You human paraquat!" In 1998, that was quite the nonsequitor. But fans of the movie know Jeff Lebowski (a.k.a. The Dude) was a '60s student radical who would've been aware of the paraquat controversy in the '70s. These days, paraquat – a chemical pesticide – is best known as a cause of Parkinson's disease. Ads run regularly on TV about exposure to the herbicide seeking individuals who were exposed and have Parkinson's or symptoms related to the condition. Several European countries have banned the compound. Paraquat is also associated with marijuana. In the late '70s when Jimmy Carter was president, the White House was friendly with legalization advocates like NORML. Provided by the U.S. to Mexico to defoliate their poppy crops, they sprayed it on pot (mota) as well, raising concerns that the government was trying to poison marijuana that eventually would end up on this side of border. (snipped) Granny
Pat 'Paraquat' Kelly (KMET) - where is he now? Google https://groups.google.com › rec.radio.broadcasting Pat Kelly? He did the news, but he was really a funny guy - did some other stuff on there that was a riot. I never heard from him again after KMET went
I Always bring this up when everyone is claiming the GOV needs to regulate cannabis more to be " legal" ... that paraquat is the way they do that ( YIKES)
This is about 2 decades old and is about our government's FEDERAL MEDICAL MARIJUANA PROGRAM! (Yes, there is such a thing! But I think it is down to the last patient.) But apparently the government can't grow any better cannabis now, than they did 20 years ago, since Elvy Musikka recently quit the program because of the very poor quality of the government weed)! “Finally, test subjects in their study of NIDA cannabis reported (pp. 66-67), “that the marijuana is inferior in sensory qualities (taste, harshness) than the marijuana that they smoke outside the laboratory. Some have stated that it was the worst marijuana they had ever sampled, or that it tasted ‘chemically treated.’”…… “A close inspection of the contents of NIDA-supplied cannabis cigarettes reveals them to be a crude mixture of leaf with abundant stem and seed components (Figures 5-6). The odor is green and herbal in character. The resultant smoke is thick, acrid, and pervasive.” From “Chronic Cannabis Use in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program” https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/docum...&doi=6f59c5e892f47acd3f33afc9528c0bb8cd706813 And here's a photo of the government weed- note the seeds and stems! Granny
I grew up sharecrop farming almond orchards. In the 1970s, there was a big issue with paraquat and almonds. If it gets sprayed on a windy day and if it drifts onto any almond orchard it acts as a systemic herbicide to the almond trees. One farmer used it on a windy day and the drift destroyed hundreds of acres of orchards. I remember my father seriously freaking out over it [though fortunately it never drifted onto any of our orchards].