
Discussion in 'General' started by merrrycherry, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. So I texted my dealer earlier today to get an oz. I've gone to him for about a year now (maybe 6-7 visits). This time, he made me a deal that sounds too good to be true. Buy 1 oz for $120 or 4 oz for $250. I normally pay the $120 for an oz of popcorn.

    Should I be worried this is some kind of set up? Or am I being paranoid?:confused: Thoughts?
  2. I would take it. Bring some heat if you have it and don't go alone. But 250 a QP is either shit weed, a set up, or an amazing deal.
  3. your dealer got busted and its a set up, they probably have the camera crew of the show COPS there waiting for you.
  4. maybe he's quitting and needs to get rid of his weight? ask him why such the great deal?
  5. is it some shitty brown popcorn nuggets? or are they mids? i would go for it if its mids

    yeah definatly ask ^^
  6. Everything ended well. Decent mid-grade product. No sting. i didn't get to ask why so cheap.
  7. enjoy brother!

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