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Paranoid when high?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by WilliamHBonneey, May 26, 2010.

  1. 1) Slap your self HARD across the face!

    2) Stop hanging around with people that are idiots, cut them loose.

    3) Get your house in order, (I don't mean spring cleaning) this means make sure your affairs, bills, debt, family relationships, work life etc is all in order if anything is playing on your mind it will surface its self in form of paranoia when in reality weed is just allowing your mistakes to be seen clearly.

    4) Be a FUCKING man will you, learn how to handle the odd funny feeling off weed, learn what strains do what (sativa/hybrid/indica) and most of all learn that this is temporary and will not stop you smoking, listen everyone has these funny moments from time to time its how you deal with them that matters.

    Over all take it on the chin, learn, move on, stop crying about it, sorry about the heavy hands here, but it feels like I help one guy and another pops up with the same problems.

    If weed were legal all this would be avoided, you got remember one last very important thing, because weed is illegal the strains what are out there have no real quality control (apart from mmj and even then no where near standards they should be at)
    there fore strains that are not ready for public consumption are being released every week maybe they needed tweaking a bit.

    Strains that have been grown, dried badly or no curing also play a massive part in these bad trips.

    Find the cream of the crop and only smoke the best you can find, ok OP, all in your mind, move on.
  2. I get paranoid no matter what for some reason.
  3. Yeah, cuz how many people died from heart attacks while stoned? I hate to say it but probably quite a few, especially if your heart is already beating fast from the intense initial high which usually doesn't last more than 15 minutes coupled with working yourself into a manic frenzy of tyrannical proportions. Well the Medical report would just say, died of natural causes, cuz as we all one has ever died from smoking pot.........right?

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