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Paranoid Smokers Read This.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jquicks92, May 29, 2009.

  1. Hi, i smoke quite often. i have a real bad problem with paranoia. i'll be smoking at night and i feel like my mom can hear me. If anyone has any tips on how to make the paranoia go away then please share. thanks for your help.
  2. Relax and let the buzz take you over.
    Oh, and having everything hidden completely immediately after toking helps a lot too.
  3. Put your headphones on and listen to some music.
  4. Tell yourself that it's all in your head. Because it is.
  5. just relax and find something to do youll forget your mom even exists
  6. not to be a prick or anything, but if your mom is that opposed to you smoking then maybe you shouldn't be doing it under her roof. But anyways the paranoia's just all in your head. You can easily distract yourself from it. Just make sure nothing stinks you know?
  7. I have the same issue, except she doesn't really care, as long as I am not around younger kids. But I have a different paranoia... Sometimes I think somebodies hitting my door or ill look around my room and watch certain parts of it but I tell myself its all in my head which it is so I have no problem with it. Sometimes its fun to imagine your in a game or something.
  8. It takes some practice but just TELL yourself that everything is ok. If you knew everything was OK when you were sober then make yourself BELIEVE you ok when your high. Whenever I gotta do important shit or talk to people high I just tell myself that I'm fine and can almost make myself believe that I'm not high. The point is, the only way people will know that your high or you've been smoking is if you tell them, so they will never actually know. If shit don't smell, noone will know a thing, and you are fine.
  9. This is kinda hard to explain but you just need to think about how things are between your mom and you before you are high. You need to think about the mindset that you are in, before you smoke and make sure you keep that mindset once you are high. Also, another way to help your paranoia for your parents is to have a story for everything. For example, if you left the door unlocked when you smoked make sure you have a explanation. And if its anxiousness then you just need to breathe.
  10. im not paranoid, im just cautious. really conservative dad, liberal hippie mother

    i keep eye drops with me everyone where i go and smoke.
    helps with red eyes. usually the only way ppl tell ur high.
    keeping some deoderant is also good for the smell

    just relax.
  11. Yeah that's what I do.
  12. Try closing shades, use a sploof, light up with a candle (minimize lighter noise), play some music while toking?
  13. Turn the lights down(dimmers are wonderful)
    Light a candle or incense stick to mask any smell
    Use a sploof(dryer sheets stuffed into toilet paper tube)
    Eye drops if your eyes get really red. Mine don't get too bad so I don't bother
    Keep a good excuse ready just in case
    Try not to do anything that would make someone suspect something
  14. As Paul McCartney says in his song, Mrs Vandebilt, "What's the use of worrying?"
  15. I get the same way sometimes when im toking on my porch at night while everyone is asleep. The very best way i have found for me is to drink a few beers while im out there and wait a good long while before i go back inside.
  16. Here's how I look at it. If you're gonna get caught then you're gonna get caught. As long as you take the proper precautions there is no reason to worry about something before it happens.

    If you do happen to get caught THEN and only then should you worry :)
  17. I go outside while my parents are sleeping- haven't been caught yet. Just chill, you're not going to get confronted about a smell. Just make sure you hide all the shit.

  18. Agreed. +rep

    this is what I tell myself when I get paranoid. There really is no sense in worrying beforehand [and thus wasting your high]
  19. if your mom ever opens your door, quickly strip but naked put a lamp in the middle of your floor and dance around it chanting. She will never open your door again or look you in the eyes
  20. ha eat something bro n it will take ur mind right off of the paranoia

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