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paranoid or laced?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by manofsk, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Hoping for some feedback here... So the other night i bought a half an ounce of what i was told were "mids" costing $25 a cut (eighth) with the usual price for shwag in my area being $20 so needless to say i wasn't expecting much better, newho my friend told me: "ya this stuffs real good it makes u hallucinate" i just said "ok" in disbelief but considering he even mentioned it i imagine he rly experienced it, so i picked this stuff up from him and he got it from his dealers "guy" (figures), so lets say i smoked at about a quarter to ten last night and felt something almost instantly, mind u i was trying to break in my new one-hitter chillum so there is not a lot of stuff in there, i squeeked out two hits that i can recall altho i could have potentially taken as many as 4 i just cant remember (not unusual), nehow, about twenty minutes expired and then i started seeing things, no joke. Now i can potentially get pretty delusion when high but thats more or less my imagination runnin around whereas i was legit seeing stuff as tho it were actually there. The main thing i remember was my friend's head turned to the side in a profile look as though it were a coin (weird note: i had recently taken a student psyche test where i was asked to pick out the real penny image) and then suddenly i saw thousands of these coins in a square grid before me (each column facing the adjacent one) and each cell of the grid lighting up one after the other until the light went down the entire grid then i just tried watching tv but a. it looked like it was miles if not worlds away, b. my perception was confined to the light and the unlit space looked like the edges of my perception ie it looked like i was looking thru an open box, c.all three-d images simply appeared as two-d images stacked on top of each other to create visual layers, c. the layers kept shifting all over the place as though pop-ups were coming out at me. I then proceeded to freak-out. My heart raced like it was gonna run away out of my chest but i somehow kept calm enough not to do something rly stupid. I convinced myself it was best just to get to sleep asap (note: i was pretty tired having slept only 3 hours the previous night), so newho i turn toward my pillow when i see a heavy-set woman (aretha franklin-esque) silhoutte dancing on a lit stage, i told myself i was tripping, my second self (not unusual for me high mind you) says no your not seein colors, my first self responds: "well now you are" and the lights behind the dancer instantly cycled through the rainbow, overall i felt like existence was jelly-like and i was boroughing myself deeper into it, luckily i fell asleep perhaps 5 to 15 mins later (felt like eons, ie way longer than when i'm usually high), so i guess i was just wondering if gc thinks: was I just super stoned or was that stuff laced? I talked to my friend and he claimed that rly good weed (this was cheap mids mind u!) does that to everyone (which I doubt) but then recalled smoking the bud in question and said: “u no what? u might b right”; mind u I've never done shrooms or acid or even salvia yet so I have no real point of reference but I have been smoking somewhat steadily for quite some time now so I know this was on a whole other level than completely stoned, I did some research and apparently its either usually laced with coke or pcp but I was wayyy to out of it for it b a stimulant I think but I would not b surprised at all if it was pcp, so gc should I call laced or chill out?
  2. Weed isn't for you my friend.
  3. Haha this dude got super ripped!
  4. Damn dude....
    If I had some weed that did that, laced or not I wouldn't complain.
  5. I didnt even read the post.

    Way to high for that shit.

    You were paranoid man, chill out next time.
  6. it's paralaced. as in it was laced with paranoia.
  7. If it was laced with PCP you would not have fallen asleep in 15 minutes, you would have been going crazy for hours. You bought a half an ounce and only smoked it once in a one hitter. Obviously the logical thing to do is try it again, but a very small amount and see what happens. Also, think about how much those lacing drugs cost compared with how much you spent on the weed. It wasn't laced.
  8. #8 Belmont, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Thats pretty crazy, my first thought was, your friend telling you "this shit will make u hallucinate" just turned the "normal" high into a placebo effect and you just imagined it all.

    but another thing is telling me, it might just be spiratik in some people(tripping hard i mean), im saying this because I once saw a cat TRIP sack, like in another world sack from taking a few hoots.
    But also that could have been attributed to him from the E he poped earlier on that DAY, and it was night time when he toked.

    I dont know but i think we have somme paranormal activity shit going on here boys!

    Oh and PS: I know this kid wasn't just bakked, because after 15mins the kid stopped listening to chairs and climbing off walls, remained permed momentarily, then explained how hes never felt that before and what he was seeing were apparently a bunch of symbols forming on walls.
  9. Why would he sell you cheap herb laced with PCP?
  10. Getting sold laced weed doesnt really happen...think about it why would a dealer lace your weed and not make you pay more for it? Who benefits from selling laced weed?

    This sounds like the first time youve been high.
  11. chill out =D
  12. proper English, paragraphs,

    really...that pile of words will cause people to NOT read it..break it up...:smoking:

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