paranoid about going to the hydro store

Discussion in 'Security' started by civprole, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. So I found a store in town that carries the fox farm line of products. I need to repot soon, and I want to use some good soil, so I've been planning to go tho this place and pick some up. I drove by it the other day - it's small and has a really local feel to it.

    Now I'm getting paranoid. I look pretty suspect, with my goatee and long hair. I have the air of someone growing pot in his closet. Going into a small place like this where there don't seem to be many customers at the same time is just setting me up for a conversation with the salesman/owner. What do I say? What if he asks what I need or what I'm growing?

    I'm making a big deal of nothing most likely. He'll just be glad to have a customer. Yet I can't lie for shit and if he asks what I'm growing I'll probably just weakly say tomatoes and hope he lets it go at that. Hell, I don't even know if tomatoes should be grown in FF or this time of year. Jeez...
  2. you have completely nothing to worry about. first, they don't care what you are growing. they aren't the cops and its not their job to worry
    which brings me to number two: you are giving them money. they aren't going to ask you what your growing unless you need specific questions answered.
    third, most people working there probably grow mad tree too.
  3. They know what you are growing, they know who their customer is. They are more motivated to avoid that conversation than you are.

    But you should be careful about patronizing any local hydro store because cops have been known to watch the parking lot as a way to target suspects. Online purchasing is much safer.
  4. maybe buy some tomato seeds there to make it seem less suspicious. its not like you have to show your ID to buy fox farm products. so even if he is suspicious, he cant do shit.
  5. as long as you pay cash you have nothing to worry about
  6. ^...other than being followed home by a cop...
  7. Watch "Never Get Busted Again" (parts one and two). An ex cop talks about this stuff and gives some advice.
  8. LOL my hydro shop is the smallest most local place in the universe. They know I grow pot and I'm almost positive that every damned person that works there does as well.

    If you know what you're in there for, then it's really easy to avoid any awkward/suspicious conversation, though hydro store employees are among the coolest people to talk to.

    Just walk in, you'll probably be greeted at the door, just shoot back a "hey how's it going" The only thing they'll approach you and ask is "do you need help with anything" and you can simply ask where your item is "i'm looking for fox farm nutrients" or you can be even more impersonal "i'm just going to look around for a while"

    Cops have no reason to follow you but if you're paranoid ask for a bag and discreetly carry your items to your car and likewise into your house.

    no problem.

  9. ....


  10. It will help if you go in knowing what you're talking about. The first time I went in to my local shop.

    Me: Hey whats up, I'm looking for some grow lights.
    Clerk: We've got a lot to choose from. What are you going to be growing?
    Me: [Ponders Matrix style] (nanoseconds later): Herbs and spices!
    Clerk: Well then I would have to recommend these 27 watt...
    Me: Yessssss yes yes, this 400 watt HPS/250 watt MH combo light will due just fine!
    Clerk: Well Sir that's a lot more than you'll be needing.
    Me: Shut the fuck up bitch, and start sucking my dick!
    [Clerk starts sucking my dick]
    Me: thats right, now Im gonna go home and not grow some MJ!
    Clerk: Au revoir!

    Well I changed the story around near the end to make it more interesting but the point is that, they may ask you something like "What are you growing?" if you state an open-ended statement like "I need some lights".

    If you're really worried, just write down everything you need and hand it to the clerk and say "Im supposed to buy the stuff on this list". Gently allude to the clerk that you're picking the stuff up for your grandmother, and give the impression that you are slightly disinterested in the task that you are performing for ole Granny. Bless her heart!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. LOL :hello:
  13. it's really no big deal...if they start asking what you're growing say tomatoes...if they get into specifics just say it's for your mom or GF or something and you don't know shit about it.

    if you still feel nervous just stop by the porn shop first and ask them about giant dildos or something...the hydro store should be a breeze after that.
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  14. Hahahaha, yeah I remember turning 18 and buying a pocket pussy and a new bowl in the same purchase. I'm pretty sure the clerk was more uncomfortable than I could ever be.

    Me: So if I don't like the way this sucks my dick can I return it for a different one? I mean I dont want my money back, I just want one that sucks real good
    Clerk: ........... I've heard good things about that one, but no returns on toys!

    So I ended up buying it, and it SUCKED (and not in the good way).
    Anyway, yeah man, hitting up the grow shop is not going to get you under the radar unless you go in and say "I WANNA GROW WEED!". As long as you dont do this, you're fine.
  15. Just go there when the cops are eating their lunch, or at the last 10 minutes before the shop closes. Go only when it's dark, during the winter.
    Also go by foot for little things, and have some non-growing friend drive you by.
    Only pay in cash and if you're really paranoid, make your withdrawal 2 days before.
    If you're totally paranoid, wear fake mustaches and reversible clothes, and burn everything you wore after making 5 times the walk around your block.
    A good thing is to bring a nice lady with you, and in the last street before yours, just tell her to follow another way.
    The cops will follow her, not you, ugly poker!

  16. lol that seems a little overboard:eek:
  17. You guys need to toke up and relax, clerks don't care what your growing- if they ask they're just being polite
  18. i own a head shop and brother owns a hydro shop and if someone says they are growing tomatoes we would piss ourselfs we know what our customers are buying the products for and buy products aimed at cannabis growers yes cops etc we will say its innocent products for plants but we wont give our customers details over. Go speak to the guy in the shop tell him exactly what your growing and what your needs are that way he can give you the best service possible. I havent heard of one hydro shop owner on the planet that dont smoke pot and even if they dont they know what your buying supplies for.
    No sane person would go to so much expense for a feckin tamato lol
  19. if they ask say it is none of their damn business. that's perfectly fine.
  20. I'm convinced most Hydroponics store owners are stoners. The one that I go to has an owner that's probably 25 and he has a big ole beard. You know, the typical ''I just smoked a bowl... fuck shaving'' beard. He's a cool guy, and he always has his big ole German Shepard in the store. Dogs make me nervous, but that's a really cool dog. I doubt it'd do anything if someone tried to rob... nevermind, who robs a fucking hydroponics store anyways?

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