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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by metalhead1, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Hey guys

    Im new to smoking. last night was my 5th time or so, but first with my own bud. I made a bong out of a poweade bottle and was smoking in my room. I smoked about 4 or 5 bowls, smaller than regular since im using a socket, but i got very creeped out last night. I kept hearing my parents knocking on my door and yelling at me. I was afraid to get out of my bed and i just slept instead of eating and other shit. Should i just smoke less this time or is it because im not use to having some decent bud?

  2. The best way to get rid of paranoia is just to keep telling you're self that nothing is wrong.
  3. So you're parents were actually yelling that they need you, or you were hallucinating that they were?

    If they actually needed you that's not good, you might want to re-think when and where you get high.
  4. no they werent really yelling for me, i just imagined it. they would of brought it up if they were yelling for me today

  5. i have been smokin on and off for a buncha years. last night was out at a bar and i had an upset stomach so i wasnt in the mood to drink alot. i took a couple quick hits with my chillum and i was completely retarded. not sure why i was SO high, but i was freaking out.

    it was cold so i was thinking about that, my friend kept looking at me so i was thinking about that, people were talking about the weirdest random shit so i was... thinking about that, there were some HOT ass girls next to us and i was with my girlfriend.. was thinking about that... anyways... everyone knew i was fucked up, i was paranoid as hell because i was reeaaallllyyy high, but i think i played it off enough as if i was over tired.

    long story short, sometimes there just isn't a way to not be paranoid!! Go somewhere and sleep it off, or play some sort of game. any shooting game is CRAZY when you high.
  6. Your mindstate affects everything.
    You'll get used to t after you smoke for a while.
    Just keep your head up and shit and don't think about the what ifs
  7. Your new to smoking. Just learn to tell yourself to relax. dont smoke as much. After a while though it wont bother you anymore. Keep on tokin!:smoking:
  8. You can eliminate your paranoia by doing it outside in a regular piece instead. If you're not allowed to smoke, smoking in your room is sure to cause paranoia. I know it did for me. It still does when I'm in someone's home with parents who aren't chill. :rolleyes:
  9. haha i remember those days.

    no amount of febreze or cologne could clear the paranoia... i always thought they could smell it lmao
  10. Mail me some of that weed.

    But yea man, next time just start out with a few hits, wait about 15 minutes. Take more as needed. Everytime you take another 2 hits I would wait about 5 minutes, if you're really worried about this again that is.
  11. nah dude just chill
    everytime i smoke and there's a possiblility i could get caught i get kinda freaked out too
    i think its just the paranoia&&weed,
    i don't think its a good combination
  12. ^^^
  13. I know what you are talking about, I normally don't use a bong, so the one time I did i packed a few bowls with about the average I would have smoked out of my spoon, but man they rip so much harder. I started to freak out, i would lay down and I would feel as if I'm viewing my life through one of those really old metal circular scuba helmets with a yellow tint. (Yeah), and I ended up throwing up for a few hours.

    Then just the other night i got hammered and stoned at the same time at a party, and have never felt better.

    I think it's all about the mind set when you start to smoke.

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