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paranoia and panic attacks

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Jceed94, Mar 21, 2016.


do any of these help your anxiety from smoking?

  1. CBD supplements

    2 vote(s)
  2. Smelling/chewing peppercorn

    1 vote(s)
  3. high CBD strains

    6 vote(s)
  4. I quit smoking because of anxiety

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Ok so i was not sure of the proper forum for this question but figured it was worth a shot.

    -so im currently 21 and living in NY, when i was young i had bad separation anxiety(like 7-13) which has gone away (when i started smoking) and recently about 5 months ago turned into full GAD with occasional panic attacks

    - i started smoking when i was 14, and smoked consistently everyday about 1g or more a day during the week and almost an eighth a day on the weekends until i met my ex gf at 18 (stopped smoking bec she didn't). for the past 2 1/2 years or so ive smoked a hand full of times.

    -when i smoked in high school i never had any thoughts of paranoia or anxiety, weed was actually what helped me stay calm and focus. i don't know how i would have went a day with out smoking, it was my life. even had the balls to grow a few plants myself so i am not new to marijuana by any means had tons of different strains and even some medical strains later into my smoking career (big thing in NY at the time).

    -Once i stopped smoking for about 9 months straight every time after i hit a joint or even the tiniest corner of a bowl i get an instant wave of fear and the overwhelming feeling im dying. It starts as an upset stomach and turns into knots and the feeling of having to go to the bathroom. I do have IBS and weed always helped it making me hungry and calming my nerves. now i get a full blown ibs attack and think im going to die. i know that even sober my IBS causes me some anxiety but not panic attacks like these. (the only thing that dosnt cause this is 1 or 2 tiny hits on my g pen of some decent BHO) which confuses me even more

    -So my question is, is how come when i used to smoke it helped my anxiety (following the time line my separation anxiety went away around when i first started) and now i cant even think about smoking with out getting very panicky and anxious. did i destroy my endocannabinoid receptors and will no longer be able to enjoy weed? is there a way around this? what can i do i relay miss MJ and wish i could calm my now more than ever crazy nerves.

    - ive been reading about CBD and its effect on anxiety and IBS and so on so i decided to give it a try i got 165 Mg CBD 10 ml e juice bottle that i vape on periodically though out the day and it does help (i know snake oil...) It truly helps me but i does not curb my craving to smoke like i used to and insights on tips or tricks to help me be able to enjoy MJ again would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S sorry about the length just wanted to post as much info as possible
  2. Very similar situation to my own when I was younger; loved herb, quit for girl, got panicky when starting again because of GAD.

    I believe you did not damage your receptors at all, but you simply had a panic attack where you have no tolerance from quitting. After that first panic attack, you're probably expecting to have one right before or during each time you smoke now, psyching yourself out and giving yourself a panic attack.

    The way CBD is supposed to help with anxiety would be to consume both at the same time. I definitely suggest smoking in a place you're very comfortable with and in a controlled environment where you know you don't have any responsibilities for the next few hours. Play some video games to distract you and do not focus on the anxiety. Think of your thoughts like the way you would flip through the channels of the TV. Thoughts constantly browse through your head, you just choose to focus and dwell on the negative ones. Let that thought slide on out and focus on something happy of a completely different nature. It may be hard at first, but you can certainly get better at it with practice.

    Best of luck =]

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  3. thank

    thanks for the input. yea i was thinking it was more a mind over matter type of thing just relay nervous to try again. i started using an app called headspace that's like a meditation guide and training to help you to allow thoughts to come and go and what not which i think may help, is already starting to . Ill just have to suck it up one day and take a hit or two and go from there i relay miss smoking as well as moving to Washington as soon as my gfs transfer goes through, wouldn't be able to live with myself moving to a legal state and not being able to enjoy all mj has to offer
  4. Yeah just take it easy for a bit, until you either forget you give yourself panic attacks from smoking or until you can do the thought channel surfing.

    Naturespace Holographic Audio on the istore helped me tremendously as well, beautiful meditation and relaxation program.

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  5. When you deal with something as crippling as anxiety like that can be, there can be some tricky issues to smoking consistently well-reacting bud. I find more than anything, try to shoot for Indica or Indica-dominant strains. I understand these high CBD/CBD-only strains can help this too, but my reasoning here is that you still get an actual high with Indica, but without that anxiety jolt that some sativas offer.

  6. Smoking started giving me anxiety a while back. I prefer to avoid things in public while high & also keep a modest tolerance so I can always handle the high
  7. i started 2 days ago taking one hit about every 10 min on my g pen till i got desired effects worked extremely well. no paranoia at all. i think it was mostly a physiological thing, phycing myself out and expecting to be anxious even tho there was no reason for it. aswell as keeping myself occupied first day i cleaned my car after somking to try and not think about being high or paranoid but instead enjoy the task. still going to take it easy till i can puff away like i used to. one day at a time... hey plus ill save myself a shit ton of money lol I think the biggest issue after stoping is losing your tolerance and not thinking about it if your a heavy smoker and stop for almost a year there is no way your going to be able to smoke as much as you used to with out getting paranoid. moderation is key
  8. I find anxiety is highest during the first 30 minutes. So if ur smoking 3 bowls of 1-2 hits. Space it out over 50 minutes. So a bowl every 15 minutes
  9. i get mad anxiety if i smoke too much, simple as that.

    just take a few hits, chill out for a bit, take a few more, and once you start feeling a little anxiety just stop and enjoy the buzz.
    no point in going past your comfort zone, if you're not going to enjoy it.
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  10. You just gotta tell yourself im high, this is wut drugs do, if that doesnt work play wii golf
  11. Buy an iPuff CBD vape pen. You'll thank me later. Works great for eliminating anxiety/paranoia with pot.
  12. wow that's a crazy CBD concentration how many puffs/ what strength do you use when smoking and daily? how long does it last? sorry for alot of questions just intrigued
  13. I would only take about 1-2 puffs because of the high percentage of CBD. And it's all the same strength just different quantities, I would go with the 500mg if you're a frequent smoker.. It's great for anxiety when used alone as well. And it wouldn't really "last" because it's not a high.. The CBD works great to turn a terrifying/anxious high of THC (weed) into a balanced and happy high.
  14. I got the I puff today is it supposed to taste burnt or smell burning? I feel like it's not wicking the liquid which is kind of solidish. Like melty bho does it change after a few days of use? Thanks

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  15. just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the support and ideas. Since this post i have been smoking everyday. and i have to say all anxiety and stomach issues have subsided almost completely gone away . when i first started smoking years ago it was really only because it was the "cool" thing to do. Now i can smoke and see a reason behind it, It helps me, i feel better i am able to use my anxious thoughts to help me better myself i can see what makes me anxious and try to understand why its causing it. I have been using marijuana as a way to understand and learn about myself and really get out of my old tedious change resistant ways. to the surprise of most anti weed people it helps me in school and work granted i don't smoke before either but it helps me study and focus as well as making the idea of work not so bad haha. I did realize my current job ran its course and it really is time to find something new but that's a different story lol. but to conclude thanks everyone for the support and i hope you all have a great day and stay medicated
  16. Yeah it changes its taste after a few days of use for some odd reason. It's perfectly safe I assure you.

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